The 5 beauty things I won't apologize for
1. My makeup collection. This was Elle's first answer as well, but I have to completely agree with this. I know I have way too much of it, and spend way too much money on it. BUT there are far worse things to be spending money on. I love makeup and I'm passionate about it so of course I'm going to have a collection of it.
2. My love for expensive purses. This is slightly more fashion related, but hey. I'm not saying I only buy expensive purses because I don't. But I do love my Michael Kors and Fossil. I don't buy them all the time so it's not like I'm buying a $100+ purse every month. No. I spurge once in a while because I work 55+ hours a week and why can't I reward myself sometimes?
3. Wearing my foundation slightly darker than my face. I have very pale skin, and very rarely go tanning. I like to have my foundation a tad bit darker to give my face some color. I feel better when my face doesn't look ghostly pale and my skin just looks healthier. I blend it down my neck nicely so I don't have that line on my jaw of foundation. And when I say a tad bit darker, I really mean a tad. I don't go like 3 shades darker lol.
4. Not washing my hair everyday. I know some people think this is gross, but really it's bad to wash your hair everyday unless you have a super excessively oily hair . My hair is super dry and not washing it everyday gives my hair a chance to soak in it's natural oils. Hello dry shampoo!
5. Taking way too much time to get ready in the morning. It's just who I am. I don't sit there and fix my hair and do my makeup because I feel like I have to. I know I don't, but I actually enjoy doing these things. It makes me happy :).
Anyone who wants to join in on this tag please do so!! I hope you all enjoyed reading, and let me know some of the beauty things you won't apologize for!!