Thursday, December 31, 2015

Good Bye 2015

Hello! Happy New Years Eve! I hope everyone had a great 2015, and I think we can all agree that it went by too quickly. All of us have our ups and downs throughout the year- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Today I'm here to focus on the good that happened for me in 2015. 

I shared a lot of photos in my monthly updates, so I might pick a few things to share and try to focus on somethings I didn't share in those updates that are more towards myself and personal goals. I had a good year but I don't feel like it was very eventful to be honest. Which is totally fine because I'm a laid back homebody anyways!


Last January I went to Snow Fest, which is a festival in Frankenmuth, MI, about 30 minutes away from me. They have this every year but this was my first time going. The whole down town is filled with snow and ice sculptures. It was super fun and it's hard for me to believe this was already almost a year ago. This is where I started filming for my 'document your life' videos and my monthly update posts too. 

Over Memorial Day weekend I went kayaking for the first time. It was super fun but I definitely felt like I got hit by a bus afterwards. The trip was very long and it took us I think 6 hours. It was a little much for my first time!

In July my husband and I traveled around Michigan in the Upper Pennsula. We saw the pictures rocks and tahquamenon falls. We also visited 3 out of 5 of the Great Lakes. Northern Michigan is one of my all time favorite places to visit. 

Fall was filled with a trip to the Renissance Festival and Cider Mills. 

We had a nice Christmas and got tons of nice and generous gifts. I really love seeing my niece and nephew open their presents. It's so magical for them and makes me so happy. I was going to do a Christmas haul post or video but I didn't have time before new years. If anyone is interested then I will still do one!

Exciting news 
Back in September we found out that our best friends are going to have a baby! On Christmas they announced that they are having a girl! I'm so so excited for them and their little family!!

Health & Fitness
I always make a goal every year to get into fitness. I usually fail but I did start doing some yoga this year. These pictures a from the summer time because I haven't been doing it a much as I'd like to lately. 

I also stopped eating meat this year. This has been something I've wanted to do since I was 14 years old. 12 years later I'm happy to say that I've stopped. I tried out a plant based/vegan diet and it was hard. I've never been a huge drinker of milk and I've never liked eggs (but gimme alllll the egg soufflés). I gave up yogurt and I haven't really ate dairy things like sour cream in a long times because it's unhealthy anyways. I haven't stopped eating cheese but that's not something I eat everyday so I can live with eat it occasionally. Trying out the vegan diet is what got me to stop eating meat though, so I'm happy I tried it out. I would eventually like to fully go vegan, but one step at a time. I'm not very conscious about buying breads with milk and eggs in it, but again that's not something I eat everyday, and things can't be perfect.  I do still eat pizza with pepperoni on it but that's as far as I go with meat. I get a lot of funny looks when I say I don't eat meat and some are un supportive but it's a matter that I've never really cared about what people think. I know I'm doing good for my body, the environment, and the animals on this earth. I've grown very, very passionate about animal cruelty and I'm not afraid to tell anyone my thoughts on it. This has been a a huge thing for me this year so even though I've just wrote a whole freaking book on it, I wanted to share.

I made a goal to read 50 books this year. The goal was set a little high and I knew that, but I read 20. In 2014 I said I wanted to read 100, and then lowered it to 75- I read about 30. I set these goals high because in 2013 I read 67. I was happy with reading 20 this year and I might do a video or a post on which books I read! I've always wanted to make book related videos! I also read a few mangas this year which is a first for me! 

I think this post was a little bit longer than I intended it to be, so if you made it this far then thank you for reading! I hope you all have a great and safe New Years!