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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014!

Hello!! I cannot believe 2014 is over. It seems like just a while ago I was doing a year end post for 2013. Where has the time gone??

I hope you all had an amazing year! I know every year has its ups and downs, but today on going to focus on all the ups and share some of my life in 2014 with you all! 
I'm also going to do a post later this week about some things I'm looking for forward to in 2015. Some personal goals for myself, and a reflection on my goals that I set for this year! 

I don't think anything too exciting happens in January other than having tons of snow where I live! 
In February my cute little nephew was born!
I can't believe how big he is now!

I also said goodbye to my blond hair in February! I colored is super dark and now it has faded to an ombre ish look. 

In May we celebrated our first wedding anniversary. It was on Mother's Day weekend, so for Memorial Day weekend we took a trip to Holland, Mi. 
It was an amazing city and I loved it there. We also got to visit Lake Michigan. 

We spent 4th of July with friends and had a great time. 
My and my BFF 
Me and hubz :)

For Labor Day we went to an art fair, it was super hot and way too crowded, but we got good pics!

In September my husband and I took a trip to Myrtle beach, SC
We had super crappy weather, but I was still glad to see the ocean!
We got to visit Charleston, SC while we were there too! What a beautiful city.

This is random, but I read a ton of good books this year. These are just some of my favorites that I read.

Overall this was an amazing year and there were a lot of memories made with friends and family! 

Making Christmas cookies with my mom and niece :-)
Got to see Wicked in Detriot! I've always wanted to see this play and I really loved it.
My work buddies ;)

Happy news years from me and my cat!

And here is some pictures from New Year's Eve! 

I hope you all had an amazing year and thank you for reading! 


  1. Very nice pictures Ashley! I remember when you visited SC and I agree the weather that week was crappy! That was the same week as my bestie's birthday and me and him were like why is it so rainy and cool at the end of September?! Haha! I love how you read a lot of books! I need to start back reading more novels. I find reading to be a good stress reducer! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Pilar!! We still have fun in SC even though the weather was bad! It's funny because it was nicer here in Michigan that week lol!!! Reading really is a great stress reliever for me too!

  2. Aw Ashley I love this! You seem to have had a wonderful year, full of joy and travels, and I'm really happy to hear that! You and your husband look perfect together :) I would also love to hear which of those plenty-full books you'd most recommend for me to read?

    1. Thanks so much Miriam!! Oh gosh I could recommend so many books to you!! What type of books do you enjoy the most? I read mostly young adult books because they are so easy!

  3. Cute post Ashley! I loved seeing your year in pictures. Here's to a great 2015!

  4. This is such great recap post, Ashley! I think you look really good with dark hair, very sultry. And how cute is your nephew? Just a doll!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thank you Shireen!! I think I perfer it dark too!

  5. hey ashley! you had an awesome year my friend!!! i can't get over how much your nephew has grown. wow! i was born in february and i have the same kind of picture when i was a baby. time flies. i love the trips you and your husband took. it's nice to getaway and visit other places. you can rock ANY hair color. all looked so good on you. i wish you the best for 2015 doll!

    1. Thank you so much Kim! I love going to different places and traveling! Time does fly, and I wish you the best for 2015 as well!
