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Monday, January 12, 2015

Mac Twig Lipstick and Absolutely It Liner

Hi :)
You all know I love Mac lipsticks. They are my favorite lipsticks and I'm always looking for new ones to try. 
I went into a Mac store recently looking for the lipstick called 'Twig'. The girl who was working had it on and it looked great on her so I was really excited to try it out.  I liked it, but I told her that I couldn't believe how different it look on her lips from mine. She showed me the lip liner she had on under it and I was totally sold and wanted that too. 

Now mind you, I have never really worn a lip liner before. I suck at putting it on, so I was kind of nervous when I bought this. I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I hadn't seen what a difference it made on the color since she had it on. 

Ok enough of the long intro, let's get into these products!

Twig is a satin finish lipstick, which is my favorite finish from Mac lipsicks. 
From top to bottom- 
Absolutely it lip liner, twig lipstick, and the bottom is the two mixed together. 

The lip liner is a little bit darker than the lipstick. The lipstick on its own it more pink toned, so mixed together they created a really nice dark mauve shade. These swatches actually look way different on my arm than on my lips. 

I'm really loving this lip combo. It's different from any of lip colors I own.

The lip liner feels a little drying so if your lips are dry, make sure you exfoliate and moisturize them first! Now that I've tried a lip liner (even though I still need practice with it lol!), I want to try out some other ones!

What is your favorite lip liner by Mac? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. The colour is gorgeous on you Ashley :) I SUCK at lip liner and lipstick application, but it doesn't stop me haha. I don't have any MAC products :/ so I can't answer your question haha. I quite like maybelline's one's though :)

    1. Thank you Miriam! I suck at them too but it doesn't stop me haha!! I can never get the lines straight lol. I will check out some from Maybelline! I like their lipsticks!

  2. I have been waiting for your post on this lipstick, saw it on your Instagram and I'm already in love with it. That is such a beautiful shade on you, Ashley! I hope it'll look good against my medium skin tone, can't wait to get to a MAC store and swatch it.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thank you Shireen!! I think it would lopk great on you!! Check out the lip liner too while your there, it makes it look totally different!

  3. beautiful make up..i like this mac lipstick

  4. This color looks stunning on you Ashley and your makeup looks great! Twig is another color I've had my eye on lol. You're right lip liner can make all the difference in how the lipstick can appear. I only own one MAC lip pencil which is Ruby Woo and it's gorgeous! Since I have a lot of NYX Lip Pencils, I've sadly neglected MAC lol but when I got that Ruby Woo Lip Pencil in the holiday collection bag In want to try others. They're a little pricey for lip pencils at MAC, but well worth it! I want to try Magenta, and Nightmoth. It's a few others I want, but I can't think of them at the moment!

    1. Thank you Pilar!! I think twig would look amazing on you!! I agree that these Mac pencils are really expensive, they are more than the lipsticks are!! Night moth is a gorgeous one though. I really want to check out the Nyx ones!! I'm probably going to go crazy on them since they are so affordable!

  5. i have twig! i love whirl lip liner bc it's nude and can be used for anything!

  6. I am LOVING this lip liner lipstick combo Ashley! Both are so beautiful on you! Gorgeous color! I want to buy this for myself. I stopped with lip liners a long time ago, because I couldn't get things to match up on my own. I always need help in that department. HaHaHa

    1. Thank you Kim! I think they would look really nice on you too, definitely get these colors!! This is really the fist lip liner I have bought so I'm probably bad at matching them up too haha!

  7. ooh i need to try that! i have twig but not that liner.
