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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Beauty Scenario Tag!

Hello!! First I'm going to apologize for my lack of posting in the past week! This weekend was super busy and I didn't have any photos pre taken or posts planned out so I was a little lazy to do anything!

So today I'm going to do the Beauty Scenario Tag, and I promise I'll have some good posts up later this week!!

I was tagged by both Shireen  and Natalie to do this tag!! Thank you both for tagging me, and everyone please check out their awesome blogs!!

The Beauty Scenario Tag

You have to get rid of all of your foundations and only keep one high end and one drugstore, which do you keep?
I'm such a Foundation junkie, so this is a hard question! I'm going to go with my Makeup Forever mat velvet+ for high end, and Covergirl Ready Set Gorgeous for drugstore! 

You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has lipstick on her teeth.  Do you approach the subject or ignore it completely?
Lol. I hope this doesn't make me sound bad but I probably wouldn't tell her. If it was one of my friends or someone I knew then I would have no problem telling them but for someone I don't know, I find that awkward. 

You're not feeling yourself and you need a pick-me-up lipstick, which do you go for? 
My favorite right now is Mac Hug Me over top of a lip liner (UD naked or Nyx natural). So I would pick that one! 

You go back in time for a day to your teenage years, how would you do your hair or makeup differently?
For makeup I would tell myself to quit slapping on orange bronzer, you look like an Oompa Loompa, and all that thick, black eyeliner makes you look like a raccoon. For hair I would tell myself that perms are not cute, and stop trying to get the 'sex' hair look. 

You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott hair cut but they hear wrong and give you a pixie cut, what do you do?
A) Smile, say thank you, call your mum and cry hysterically
B) Cry in the chair and things get awkward
C) Complain to the manager and demand a refund
I pay close attention to when someone is cutting my hair, so I think I would catch her before she got to the short pixi cut. But I would l probably cry and complain but I wouldn't demand a refund or anything. Then I would get extensions. I would not look cute with the pixi look. 

Your friend surprises you with a 4 day city break and you have one hour to pack, which 'Do It All' palette do you pack in your makeup bag?
I would probably go with an Urban Decay Naked Basics palette. It's small and good for travel. You can do a natural look or a smokey eye with it.
Your house has been robbed, don't worry everyone is safe, but your beauty stash has been raided.  What's the product you really hope is safe?
I'm going to say my Too Faced semi sweet Chocolate palette because I'm currently too obsessed to part with it. 

Your friend borrows makeup and returns it in an awful condition.  Do you:
A) Pretend you haven't noticed
B) Ask them to re-purchase it
C) Secretly do it back to their makeup

No one is touching my makeup without my supervision! Ha ha ha. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading my answers for this!! I tag anyone who wants to do this, and let me know if you do so I can check yours out as well! 


  1. I KNEW you would pick covergirls foundation haha. I also wouldn't tell a random stranger if they had lipstick on their teeth, I'm way to anxious to do that haha. Great tag, I loved reading your answers :)

    1. Haha!!! It's the best foundation! And I'm glad I'm not the only one who would do that lol!! Thanks miriam!!

  2. LMAO at orange oompa loompa! I can't imagine you as one, Ashley! I'll be honest and tell you that I very recently saw a collaboration post on one of the blog, the girl was..I don't even know how to explain this but orange black? Now, I have never done any tanning in my life but I know that it's tanning gone horribly wrong or maybe that's just the way she likes it. I can't even bring myself to post "Good pictures" so I left the blog. LOL!
    I knew you're going to choose Mac Hug Me! That shade is super gorgeous on you. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Hahahaha I've totally seen pictures of people like that before! It's like tanning plus orange self Tanner. I just want to tell them to stop haha!! And with my skin being so pale the wrong bronzer can look way orange on me, and apparently when I was 15 I felt compelled to put it all over my face!!

  3. Don't even mention teenage beauty horror stories Ashley! I have so many! Tried to do my own eyebrows! Short haircut gone wrong! Too much makeup! HAHAHA I could go on! But I survived. This was really good. We all need breaks. It's like that with blogging. I'm blogging a lot this year, but last year it was like 3 days a week. So don't feel bad.

    1. I'm glad you enjpyed this Kim! I think we all have endless lists of teenage makeup mistakes!! I think my goal has been to try to do a post 3 times a week! Thanks Kim!

  4. Most people seem to gravitate towards MAC lipsticks so I'm not surprised it's your pick-me-up, I really need to step into this century and try one for myself haha! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice


    1. Mac lipsticks are awesome, once you try them you will want to get a ton of them haha!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mac lipstick would be my pick me lipstick as well! I can't thank you enough for recommending Twig, Faux, and Creme Cup! Isn't it funny when you think back at some of teenage fashion and beauty and ask yourself "what was I thinking?" lol. I definitely went through the sex hair phase too as well as the beauty queen hair phase, even in my early twenties. I think they can be looks when they're not too extreme lol

    1. Haha your welcome, I'm glad you love those lipsticks too!! Now you need hug me and viva glam 2!! Lol!! And yes I totally agree- we will probably even look back in 5 years and still ask our self what we were thinking!!

  7. This is such a fun tag!! Haha I love reading things like this!

  8. Yayy! Glad you did this tag. Love your answers girl!! I cant wait till UD to be finally available in Aus, the basics palette is definitely on my list to get it. :)
    Yours Truly, NY

    1. Thanks girl! And I hope UD comes there soon, they have awesome shadows!

  9. love your answers--i'm the same way when someone cuts my hair. i'm watching like a hawk

  10. Hahaha, I think we're all the same way when we look back to our younger selves with makeup! But I think that's how we improve anyway, by trying new things every day ;) I actually like how sex hair looks LOL I think it's so voluminous and looks attractive on a lot of people! I don't think I could let anyone borrow my makeup haha... the most I could do is let them use it while I hover over their shoulders!

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Haha yeah I totally agree!!! And I still tease my hair and make it big just not super messy like I use to lol!!
