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Friday, October 2, 2015

September Lifestyle Post!

Does anyone else think it's crazy that it's already October?? I'm happy because it finally feels like Fall, and October is one of my favorite months. I get excited for Halloween and Pumpkins, and for Thanksgiving to be next month! 

I'll be linking my Document Your Life Video at the end, which just like last month will be on the short side because not much exciting stuff happened in September. 

My little niece started preschool! She's too freaking cute. 

Here's some pictures from the Renissance Festival. 

I got a super cool necklace when I was there. This is a real photo of the moon on me and my husbands wedding date. 

I was lucky enough to be able to do a swap with my friend Natalie who is from Australia! She sent me a ton of goodies from over there and I was so happy and excited about it!

That was pretty much all the pictures I took in September that's worth sharing. 

And then I was in a car accident. No one was hurt but someone hit me while they were pulling out of a parking lot and apparently didn't see me. Sad day but my cars getting fixed now. And I wanted to say a special thank you to my friend Pilar for reaching out when I posted this picture on my Facebook and making sure I was okay!

I did a tiny bit of retail therapy after that happened and bought a new Mac Lipsick and a Nyx liner to match. And I got two books, and right now I'm reading The Alchemist. 

Here my DYL video if you want to watch!

How was your September?? Let me know in the comments! And my September Favorites will be posted next week!


  1. Oh no! So sad about the car accident! I am glad you are okay! I love your pictures from the Ren faire!

    1. Thank you Margo!!! And we have so must fun dressing up for the ren faire!

  2. You're niece is adorable and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the makeup from your swap.

    1. Thank you Tanya! And so far I love everything I've tried from the makeup swap! I'll do some more indepth reviews soon!

  3. yay for the good things!! i'm doing an aussie swap too! oh no about the car wreck. glad you are ok! the ren faire looked like fun!

    1. Thanks Elle!! And I'm excited to see se you get during your swap!

  4. It was so nice to get a glimpse into your life! I loved The Alchemist! One of my favorite books.

    1. I'm enjoying the book so far! I'm glad to know it's one of your favorites! Thanks Lauren!

  5. I've always wanted to go to a Renaissance Festival. Looks like so much fun! Ashley, I didn't know you were in a car accident :( So glad you're ok. People nowadays do not pay attention. Glad they had insurance and you're getting everything fixed. I've heard of those two books! Heard they were awesome! These are my favorite months also. Great post and video.

    1. Renissance festivals are so fun, I hope you can go to one sometime! And thank you Kim, and I agree that people don't pay attention and I'm so thankful for my insurance! And I'm glad you liked the video, I'll let you know how the books are!

  6. I'm so sorry about the accident but I'm glad you're okay :) your september round out looks awesome, your niece is so cuteee, and you look so pretty at the reinasance festival! I wish we have that kind of festival here.. Do you like the alchemist? One of my friends suggested to read Paulo Coelho books but I'm not sure where to start. I really like this kind of post, please make it more! :)

    Sitha l lemmeswatchit.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you for all your kind words Sitha! The rennisancce festival is so fun, I hope you can go to one sometime! And so far I like the alchemist, but I'm not very far yet. I've heard this author is really good though!
