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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What's In My Makeup Bag?

Hello!! I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately! I've been sick with a cold for almost two weeks! I've been slacking on the makeup looks but I promise I'll have some up soon!

I was tagged by Margo on Instagram a few weeks ago to do a 'what's in my makeup bag' but I totally spaced and forgot to post a pic on Instagram for it. So I thought I'd do a blog post on it instead, because I have excessive amounts and I don't think I could fit it all in one picture LOL!
This is the bag I always carry in my purse. I believe it's from target- I've been using it for years so I'm not 100% sure. I like this one because it matches all my purses pretty well. 

Nude by Nature setting powder- this was sent to me by my lovely friend Natalie when she sent me some Australian goodies during our beauty swap. I always keep a powder with me to touch up if I need it. And I think the packaging on this is so cute and pretty! 
Concealer stick- I think this is from Maybelline (the label wore off!) but I always keep this for touch up too. 
Hand sanitizer- because germs, yo. 
Ease Up headache and tension relief oil- i got this in my September BuddhiBox and its a roller ball with an essential oil blend for headaches and tension relief. This also smells amazing so it dupes as a perfume ;)
Wellsmith Scented Shea Butter- another item from BuddhiBox, I like that this is small and can for easily in my purse. It's a great lotion/hand balm and also smells amazing. Plus it's in s cute little tin and I feel fancy that it's not like s regular lotion in a tube. 
The Body Shop lip butter- I always have to have some kind of chapstick or lip balm with me! This one is moisturizing and smells good. 

And here is the rest of my excessive (and embarrassing) amounts of lip products. Nars lip crayon in Rikugien, Nyx Butter Glosses in tiramisu and Creme brûlée, Nyx Butter Lipstick in Pops, 2 lipbalms, and Nyx lipliner in Natural. All of these Nyx products I have multiples of so I just throw them into my purse. 

 I also carry two brow pencils, two eyeliners, a mini mascara, hair tie and hair pin. The reason for the two brow pencils and eyeliners is you have no idea how many times I've gone to use them and the tip is broke off or they need to be sharpened. So I put extras in there so this doesn't happen bahaha. Or maybe I just like to hoard things. 

OK now that you've all seen the excessive amounts of things I stuff into this little makeup bag, tell me what do you always carry with you in yours? Let me know in the comments!!


  1. I carry a bunch of lip products too girl, so don't feel bad. LOL! I actually no longer carry a makeup bag in my purse. I do every now and then, especially if we are going somewhere like a wedding, or such and will need some touching up. But I never used it when I did carry it with me, it would just take up too much room. I make sure to keep blotting sheets, powder, concealer and of course...lip products! LOL!

    1. I think lip products are a must lol!!! If I'm carrying a smaller purse I don't carry a makeup bag but if my purses big enough I do. It helps me keep organized too so that's s plus!

  2. Yay I am so glad you did this! I am sorry you have been feeling sick though that is the worst, feel better! Your makeup bag is totally prepared for anything I love that!!

    1. I'm glad too, thanks for tagging me!! And thanks Margo!! I'm feeling better now but I agree that feeling sick is no fun! And I like to be prepared for anything haha!!

  3. I always like seeing what people carry in their makeup bags! Love the nude colors you have! I also have a bundle of lip products in my bag. :)

  4. I hope you'll feel better soon, Ashley, being sick is no fun and guess what? My little one is down with a cold again and this time he has a cough too! Fun time, NOT! LOL! Back in the day when I was working, I used to carry lots of lip products too, I feel insecure without them. I must touch up my lipsticks after lunch time so I will go nuts without. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thanks Shireen!! And oh no I hope your little one feels better! Coughs are the worst! And yes I agree that lipstick needs retouching after eating lol!!

  5. Ashley, I hope you feel better soon. I was sick about a month ago and it lasted for 3 weeks. I didn't think it would ever end. I don't like doing makeup pics when I'm sick either. Great items! I always carry something for my lips, hand cream and hand sanitizer. So, we're pretty much identical.

    1. Thank you Kim! And I hope you're all better now! And sickness always seems never ending! And yes those are all must haves!

  6. Hope you feel better soon! Hahah my makeup bag is pretty much a lip product graveyard too, I always throw in the lipstick I'm wearing for the day and forget to take it out so it ends up being filled to the brim of nothing but lip stuff! Chapstick is always a must for me too, other than that I just pray I don't need to do any touch ups through out the day of anything else :x


    1. Haha I do that too, and then I always find the lipsticks later that I thought I lost lol!!

  7. i love seeing what you keep in there! i'm a hair clip kind of girl in my bag.

  8. Surprisingly I don't carry around that much face makeup but a TON of lip products...like ridiculous amount...why? I really don't know..because often I wear something new each day and it all ends up building up in my purse. Your collection is pretty well rounded and not too much of one thing.

    1. I think lip products are the easiest to hoard in purses lol!! I tend to throw the lip color I'm wearing in my purse for that day and forget about it, but I'm trying to be more organized!

  9. I just bought a small purse that's big enough to put my phone, a few lipsticks as well as powder and mascara too, and it has animal prints too in it just like yours! My make up purse is too small so I always carry extra bag whenever I'm traveling especially now I've been going back and forth to my parents and my sister's place.

    I think I never have less than 5 lip products in my bags and eye products too! I hope you'll get better from the cold soon Ashley! Aaand I hope when you're feeling better you'll participate to my first Liebster Award, I nominated you as you're one of my fave <3! Looking forward for your tag! :D


    1. Thank you Sitha! And thank you for nominating me!! I'll definitely participate in it!!

      And I agree that it's hard to have less than 5 lip products with me lol!! And I love animal print that's awesome you have one too!!

  10. Every time I switch purses, I find at least 5 lipsticks in there. It's insane. I have no idea how they all get there! lol Love that makeup bag! It's so cute!

    1. Thanks Lauren! I always find some many things when I switch bags too, especially lip products!
