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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Skin Care Sunday | Michael Todd Pumpkin Face Mask

Hello! Happy Sunday!
For today's Skin Care Sunday Post I'm going to be reviewing the Michael Todd Pumpkin Nutrient Rich Facial Mask. I've been meaning to do this review for a while, but I thought Fall was a good time since this mask is a pumpkin one!

So a while ago I bought a skin care set from Michael Todd for combo oily skin and this mask was included in it. This set was pretty disappointed and nowhere near as good as the set I bought for acne prone skin before this one. Spoiler alert- this mask was a no go. 

About this mask from Michael Todd's website 
'Formulated with vitamin rich pumpkin and a blend of gentle exfoliants, PUMPKIN MASK dissolves dead dulling skin cells as it infuses fresh new skin with protective antioxidants and strengthening vitamins. PUMPKIN MASK is a weekly facial rejuvenating treatment that will leave skin glowing.

Who Should Use it?

All skin types except sensitive. Not to be used in combination with retinol based products on compromised or on sunburned skin'

*Now let's first talk about that little tidbit at the end that it shouldn't be used with sensitive skin that I some how looked over when I bought this. My skin is indeed very sensitive.* I would list all the ingredients for this (all organic!) and what their benefits are but meh- I'm not recommending this mask to anyone so if you are curious then you can find them on their website. 

My Thoughts-
-I don't exactly know what I was expecting this mask to be like, but you can see from the picture that it looks sort of like pumpkin purée. I guess I thought this was going to be more like a clay mask that was pumpkin scented? I don't know. I can see my friend Pilar cringing at the thought of this mask since she's not a fan of pumpkin LOL!
-This felt super goopy and just plain gross when I applied it to my skin. It doesn't smell pleasant- nothing at all like a yummy pumpkin spice. 
-And this mask BURNED this heck out of my face. Which I'm guessing is why they say not to use it on sensitive skin. 
-Once it's applied to sets for a minute, the burning is not quite so bad, and it doesn't feel as gross. So I guess if you can stick it out for a minute or so then it's not so bad. But still,  I don't like it. 
-Other than the two bad things I mentioned, I don't have any other complaints. It didn't make my skin break out, but I did only use it a few times so I can't be too sure that it wouldn't in the future. 

Over all this is definitely not one that I will be finishing up or repurchasing. 

I was kind of disappointed because I love the Michael Todd Kaolin Clay mask, but o guess you can't love everything from a skin care line!


  1. Oh gosh, yes Pilar would be cringing!! I was curious about this because I know pumpkin is good for the skin but I have a very similar skin type to yours so THANK YOU for saving me money haha! It looks gross too...and seriously what is the point if it burns and doesn't smell like pumpkin spice?

    1. This should totally smell like pumpkin spice! And yes skip this one for sure. I think we'd be better off making a DIY mask with our own pumpkin!

    2. Haha! You ladies know me too well! Yes I was cringing at the thought of this mask as I read your review lol! That's horrible this mask burned your face! Despite the fact I don't like Pumpkin lol, I don't think this mask would work for my sensitive skin. Great review Ashley!

    3. Lol!! Yeah it's no fun when masks have th burning sensation!

  2. Oh my gosh Ashley! What a nightmare! It does sound horrid. I'm not sure, but I think there is a pumpkin mask by peter thomas roth and maybe glamglow. I've avoided them all because they say they all cause irritation if you have sensitive/dry skin. I tried a chocolate mask by Farmhouse Fresh and it did the same to my skin. It was just too strong. Thanks for this review.

    1. I wonder why all the pumpkin ones aren't for dry or sensitive skin! And I'll avoid the chocolate one you mentioned too Kim!

  3. Thanks for the review. I'll keep away! I really like their skin care line. My favorite is the Charcoal detox cleanser.

    1. I love the charcoal detox cleanser too! And the charcoal scrub is awesome too!

  4. oh no! i think i got this in an ipsy bag once. you can always make one--i've got a few recipes if you need them! ;)

    1. I remember when ipsy gave them out! I got the charcoal scrub instead which I love! And yes I'd love a recipe!

  5. I stay away from anything pumpkin related because I am NOT a fan of pumpkin. I dislike the taste, the smell, the look of it, ugh!

    That is so strange for the mask to burn the skin, wtf? Uh huh, definitely a no go.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Haha then you definitely wouldn't like this mask! And I've never had a mask burn like this one did!

  6. i bought one exactly the same things happen to me, it burned my face off and it said sensitive skin! ridiculous...its so annoying isnt it x x


    1. Oh no!! Yes I hate it when that happens! It's so uncomfortable to wear masks like that!

  7. Sorry that this didn't work out for you :/...I hated the glam glow mask because of the burning sensation. I have a different Pumpkin Puree Mask by FarmHouse Fresh that I love. It DOES have a burning sensation in the beginning but then it turns cool. Its definitely not for everyone though.

    1. I tried a glam glow mask that I got a sample of in Sephora and it had a burning sensation too. I wonder if it was the same one! And I don't mind the ones that have the cooling effect afterwards as much!

  8. Oh, wow! I wonder what in it made your skin burn. Does pumpkin do that? Crazy! I've never tried a pumpkin mask before. I do like exfoliating masks, and sometimes they burn a little. Those do have a warning, though!

    1. I'm not sure if it was he pumpkin or not! I haven't had this happen before as bad as this one did!

  9. Ah man, it sucks it didn't work out because it sounds really interesting! I've never seen a pumpkin mask before and wanted to try it out but since my skin can be pretty sensitive too I'll pass on this as well :( Now I would love to actually see a pumpkin mask done right haha, pumpkin spice scented and all!


    1. Haha yes we totally need one that's pumpkin spice scented! And I was bummed because I love pumpkin things too and totally expected to love this!

  10. I love the Kaolin Clay mask as well...I haven't tried this one, but it doesn't sound fun. LOL! I have sensitive skin too...I can't imagine the burning sensation!

    1. I'm glad to know you like the Kaolin clay mask too!! And I definitely wouldn't recommend the pumpkin one!

  11. Hahaha, pumpkin everything for fall! The mask definitely sounds really nice by the name of it, sorry it didn't work out for you :( I find that a lot of the Glamglow masks burn my skin too, though I don't think my skin is sensitive by any means?

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. My skin is sensitive but nothing crazy so I was surprised this burned my skin too! I had a sample of glam glow and it burned as well. Maybe some masks are just designed to do that lol!!
