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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wellsmith Scented Shea Butter Review

Hello!! Today I'm going to be reviewing the Wellsmith Scented Shea Butter I recieved in my August BuddhiBox. Now I know this review would be better suited for my Skin Care Sunday posts, but I'm still slacking on my makeup posts (sorry!) but I did film my October favorites yesterday so it will be up later this week or early next!

Back to the topic at hand! I'm sitting at work annoyed with my self for not having any posts planned while I'm using this Shea Butter on my hands and I'm like HA I can review this! So then I got excited that I had something to blog about and here we are. 

Wellsmith  is a shop on Etsy that sells herbal bath and body products made from mostly all natural ingredients. These products are handmade in Michigan and are vegan friendly and cruelty free. Along with these Shea Butters, they sell a wide veriety of things including herbal bath tea blends, bath salts, massage oils, lip balms, bath bombs, and scrubs. 

Scented Shea Butters 
These run $6 for 1 oz, $22 for 4 oz, and $32 for 6oz. 
They come in a ton of different scents that they use essential oils and fragrance oils to scent them. The scent I have is blackberry sage and it smells amazing. 

About Scented Shea Butters from the Wellsmith Etsy shop
"Shea butter is a great all over body moisturizer for very dry, ashy, skin. It comes from the nut of the African Shea Tree. Shea butter has the consistency of butter and should be stored in a cool area. When left above room temperature it can get soft like butter. To use when in a solid state, take a pea size amount and roll it in the palm of your hands to warm it up. Rub into your skin anywhere on you body. While it may seem a bit oily at first, the skin quickly absorbs the oils."

My Thoughts-
-Since I'm getting into more natural products, especially for my body care, I'm really enjoying this!  
-This is one of the best hand balms I've usded. Some that I've tried in the past have left my hands more dry and irritated than before I tried them. My skin is very sensitive so I'm very picky about the lotions I use. 
-The scent is nice and isn't over powering. 
-The texture is buttery and thick but melts very quickly. It also soaks in to the skin fast and leaves your skin feeling super soft afterwards. 
-You need very little product at a time. I've had this since August and I've barely put a dent in it!

Overall I really like this. I keep this in my purse because it's small and fits easy. It's great to use throughout the day, especially since the air is getting dry with the Fall and Winter weather. 

This is something that I would repurchase, but I would probably opt for another 1oz for $6 instead of a larger one that's more expensive. 

I'm planning on doing a post or video on my favorite natural products soon if that's something you all would be interested in! 


  1. It's a win win all around ashley! You're buying LOCAL. It's nearly NATURAL. It WORKS. This was a great review, because it goes to show you don't always have to get something from a BRAND or pay an arm or leg (for something that works)!

    1. I totally agree with you Kim! I was excited that this was made where I live too! Sometimes handmade things from local places are the best!

  2. Dang Kim took all the words out of my mouth! LOL! I agree with Kim, it's an all around win, Ashley and I think repurchasing a small size is also wiser because you can easily slip it into your handbag. I also find natural products tend to have shorter life span so you'll avoid wastage with the smaller size. And yes to a video on your favourite natural products please!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I've found out the hard way that purchasing a larger size of something natural was a bad idea lol!! And yes i totally agree with everything you and Kim are saying! I'll definitely do a video soon!

  3. I love Etsy and try and buy from Etsy when I can! I adore the feel of shea butter on my skin so when I run out of my current lotion I will check this out. Thanks for the review!

    1. I love etsy too! It's an amazing site. And definitely check this out, you can't beat $6!

  4. So awesome to buy local I think we should do that whenever we can This looks like an awesome product!

  5. it sounds like such a good product. i love when that happens!

  6. This sounds like a great body butter and the scent sounds like I would like too.

  7. This sounds like such a great product. I love supporting smaller brands, and the fact that it's natural makes that so much better. I understand about not having blogging ideas. I was in the same situation right before the Jurlique sale. After I got the notice, I was like, Why haven't I blogged about this brand before now? lol

    1. I agree Lauren! I love supporting smaller brands and natural products are the best!! And ugh I don't know why I'm in such a rut. I've just felt super uninspired I guess lol!! But like you said, I love it when we find something to review or blog about and then wonder why we haven't before lol!!

  8. So awesome that Buddhibox features indie brands from Etsy like this! I've found some of my favorite sellers on Etsy, and this seems like another good product :) I almost always prefer body butters myself and that scent sounds soooo nice!


    1. I think it's awesome too!! I think every month I've gotten a box there has been something from an etsy shop. And yes the scent is amazing!
