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Friday, September 16, 2016

Decorating for Fall

Hello! I got super into the Fall mood this week and brought out all my fall decorations and candles. I thought I would take some photos around my house of the decorations I put put and share them for a Lifestyle Friday post. I have some DIY decorations for Fall I was to make, so I'll definitely do posts on those as I do them!

Most of my decor in my house has a 'forest-y' vibe to it and I have tons of bird and owls out all year, so they go perfect with my Fall decorations. 

On top of one of my many book selfs, I put out a Fall candle and a cute scarecrow that I found a few years ago on the dollar section of target. 

On my coffee table I have a cute wicker pumpkin (also from the dollar section of target), with two candles. In the background I threw my plaid blanket scarf over the couch to make it look cozy. 

In in dining room, the wall behind my table has these box selves on each side, with a set of birch tree canva paintings in the middle. For Fall I add in a cute ceramic pumpkin and black cat on each side of the biggest shelves. Everything else you see stays the same all year. On the bottom shelves o have two LED candles that have sticks in the wax, which is very Fall appropriate too. 

In the corner of my dining room, theses too canvas are ones that my niece painted for me and my sister in law put a quote on, which was a wedding gift when we got married. And then there is a wooden vase with some sticks, etc. These are up all year too but I love how the paintings have Fall colors. 

On my dining room table I just have this tray with some candles and an empty candle jar that I decorated with washie tape. I usually fill this with candy corn near Halloween time. 

On my island in my kitchen I have a glass tray, which is definitely more summery, but it seriously is the perfect size to set candles on so I leave it up all year. I just have three of my B&BW fall candles from last year on it. 

OK so here is my windowsill above my sink. This was super hard to get a picture of because my camera didn't want to cooperate with the brightness outside. On one side I have a candle from B&BW from a few years ago, some cute Halloween salt and pepper shakers, and a cute rock that says Happy Fall on it (from Michaels). On the other side I have a Fall ceramic with a scarecrow, a cute owl and pumpkin salt and pepper shaker, and a bird. 

The bird is actually a whistle that you put water in and when you blow into it, it makes a bird calling noise. My cats go crazy over it. 

My mom bought me this super cute kitchen towel this week, and on obsessed. I love how it says 'Happy Pumpkin Spice Latte Season'!! 

I actually hand painted all three of these ceramics! It was a pain in the ass LOL. 

And lastly, I have this cute Fall sign that you can hang up, and I have it hanging from a hook on this self that I have by my front door.

So this is all for my Fall decorations. I realize I'm not the best at taking photos, but I don't have the best lighting in my house (also, this lazy girl uses her phone camera for everything). I hope you enjoyed seeing a peak of what my house looks like in Fall!

*Extra Bits* 
-I had videos planned for this week by my storage on my Mac is full. I need to fix it somehow, because I delete every video on it after its uploaded to YouTube and I don't really know what the issue is. It was enough to say screw it and not upload this week, and I'll bother with it later!
-I only blogged once last week! I just wasn't in to mood and felt uninspired. I think I'm going to go back to my Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule for now. Videos will be up Monday's or Wednesday's, and Friday's will be a lifestyle post. 
-Speaking of Lifestyle posts, I really enjoy doing Friday Favorites, but haven't had much to share lately (because all I do is sleep and play World of Warcraft, literally). I might do them once a month instead, or every other week. 
-And what kind of lifestyle posts do you want to see? I'll do more house things, I'm planning a visit to an apple orchard soon so you'll see that. And I have a Fall reading list post planned. Any other ideas? 

Now that this post is probably way too long, thanks for reading! I hope you all have a great weekend! 

Do you decorate for Fall? Let me know in the comments! 

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