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Friday, October 7, 2016

Fall Night Routine

Happy Friday everyone! What are your plans with weekend? 

For today's lifestyle Friday post, I'm sharing my night time routine. Everything I'm sharing is basically how my night goes almost everynight, and I have to admit that it's also not super exciting. This is everything I do to get ready for bed, etc. 

I'm usually hungry at night time since I usually don't eat anything until between noon and 2. What I snack on usually varies, but here is some toast with sunbutter and a banana on top and sprinkled with chia seeds. This is also one of my favorite breakfasts, and it's super good with peanut butter too but lately I've been loving sunbutter. 

I've become a morning shower person when I want to wash my hair, but I can't go to bed without feeling clean so I like I hop in the bath tub. Twice a week I like to do a face mask. 

Skin care
After my bath, I finish up with my skin care routine. I cleanse with my Cetephil gentle skin cleanser, then tone with my witch hazel, and use my Derma e night cream. I've been trying out the lavender scent of the which hazel I always buy and so far I don't like it as much as the Rose one.

Another relaxing thing for me is to turn on my diffuser and use lavender or peppermint (sometimes I mix them!). I also use these oils everynight on my body too. If I have a headache (most nights), I'll use peppermint to soothe my headache. And I use lavender everynight right before I go to sleep. 

I've been making time to read everynight for the past month so or. Usually this happens when I take a bath because I like to sit any relax. I still haven't sat down and invested time to binge on a good book like I want to, but I make sure to at least read a chapter everynight. I'm currently reading Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, which is one of my all time favorite young adult books.

Lastly, after I'm in bed I watch some youtube and Netflix for a while until I fall asleep. Right now I'm re watching 90210 , its my all time favorite show! 

I hope you all enjoyed my less than exciting night routine! I might do an updated morning routine in a few weeks, since my morning routine has definitely changed since my last one that I did a post on last spring! 

Do you have a night routine? Share it with me in the comments! 

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