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Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday Favorites | Lifestyle

Hi! How was your week? Anything exciting happen? Tell me about it!

I'm sharing some Friday Favorites again this week, and I was trying to do these every other week or just once a month but I've been a bit stumped on my blog lately. I can't seem to be creative and think of anything good to post. If you guys have any suggestions or particular things you want to see (beauty or lifestyle!) let me know in the comments!

Today I'm linking up with Heather from Life in Leggings and Lauren from Style Elixir

Favorite on Youtube || I started watching Alyse from the Raw Alignment  on Youtube and I'm completely obsessed. Anyone who is interested in a natural lifestyle then definitely check her out. She lives a very minimal lifestyle in Hawaii. She posts about fitness, natural products, minimalistic living, healthy food videos, etc. She also made a Facebook group called Raw Alignment Community which is totally awesome, and a place where people can chat about all the kind of stuff that I just listed. I know not everyone is into this kind of stuff, but her videos are really amazing and really informative and she has a great mindset and point of view on things!

Favorite Creation || Last weekend I made some smudge sticks with my best friend out of sage and it was super fun. It was our first time making them, and she got some fresh garden sage from someone local who grows it. They were easy to make, but I think I might have use too much string to wrap mine LOL. Now I have mine hanging out and drying out so I can burn them. 

Favorite Gift || I have been wanting some crystals for so long. I have some tiny ones (pictured above with the sage) but I was really wanting more chunks of crystals. My dad has always collected rocks and crystals so he gave me a few small ones that he had. I got two chunks of Amethyst, and another one that I believe is Citrine, but I'm not 100% sure.

Favorite Inspiration || I've been watching a ton of Halloween Makeup tutorials on Youtube and looking on Pinterest at them too. I kind of want to film some tutorials, would you guys be interested in seeing some? No promises, as I've been really lazy with filming lately, but it's definitely something I'm considering doing!

Favorite Quote || I'm finishing up with my favorite quote for this week. I really loved this one and found it super inspiring and beautiful!

What are your lifestyle favorites this week? Let me know in the comments! Have a great weekend!

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