About Me

Monday, January 2, 2017

Hello 2017!

Hello lovelies! I hope everyone had a great New Years, and an amazing start to 2017.

Every year that I've been blogging I've done a 'good bye, hello' post for the year that has passed, and to welcome the year that's starting. I feel like I should continue that tradition and give you a peak into my life a bit and what's in store for me in 2017.

I'll start by saying that I was not sad to see 2016 go. 2016 felt very off for me, from the very beginning of the year. Something wasn't quite right and it wasn't something I could pin point. 2016 was good and bad in both subtle ways. Nothing disterious happened, it just felt off. That's all. Speaking of good things- my husband and I bought land to build a home on. My best friend had her baby that I absolutely adore. I was able to do on vacation to California where I had an amazing time. I left a piece of my heart there and I long to return.

And I quit my job that I was at for 6 years. This was something that was definitely a life changer. I was unhappy there, so I put my happiness first and left. But quitting my job didn't bring me the happiness that I thought it would. It was a very hard adjustment from having an income of my own to not. I love my husband to death for being able to support us and my decision, but it was still hard. Going from being able to shop all the time and buy whatever I want was hard on me mentally and emotionally. I was super unhappy for a while and fell into a huge rut. However, now I see it all as a blessing. I have learned SO much from that experience. I learned want vs need. I learned to appreciate what I have. And most importantly, I learned that I don't need things in my life to create happiness. It's a nice and refreshing feeling to think if a certain thing is going to bring value into your life, or create a temporary happiness and clutter. Needless to say, declutter will be a big part of my 2017.

I'm starting off 2017 in bed, with a cold, but I'm not going to let that be a bad start to my new year. I have SO many things and goal planned for this year. Ones that I do not intend to, and flat out refuse to fail at. This is the most motivated that I've felt in a long time, and this incredible feeling is almost enough to bring me to tears of joy. 2017 is going to be absolutely amazing and I cannot wait.

I am still planning to do my top 16 of 2016 best of beauty products, and also a video on the books I read in 2016. I'm a little behind because I've been sick all week, so hopefully I'm not too late to the game on my Years end posts/videos that I usually do.

I also have a ton of things planned for my YouTube channel, where I'll make a video or blog post explaining what I intend to do. I also have other plans that I'm keeping a secret for now, but you'll find out what they are soon. Hopefully you all will stick with me through the journey!

Here's to having an amazing 2017, and I wish for the best year to all of my blog friends!

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