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Friday, February 24, 2017

Current Reading List | Books I want to read this year

Happy Friday! Do you guys have any fun plans this weekend? The weather here has been crazy warm for February, but it will be back to snow and cold this weekend. I'm so ready for Spring time. 

Before we get to todays post, I wanted to apologize on being behind on reading/commenting on all of your blog posts. I think I got caught up (as of yesterday), and I hope I didn't miss any of your posts. If I did, please let me know! And also, sorry if some of you got a spam of comments from me, from not catching up for multiple days in a row! ;)

Back to today's post- I'm sharing my current reading list! I haven't done a book talk post in a while, so I thought I'd share a bit of what I'm planning to read, and what I'm currently reading. I've done a few posts or videos like this last year, and with no surprise, there will be some repeat books on here from my last reading list because I failed to read them the first time I said I was going to. This is mainly a list of books that I just want to accomplish reading sometime this year. I also have a few books that I've already read that I want to re read. If I truly love a book, sometimes my heart calls for me to re read it again and again.

These are my 3 absolute favorite books of all time, and are ones that I definitely plan to re read this year.
I've loved The Outsiders since I was 13 and have read this books so many times. It's been a few years since I've read it, so I definitely want/need to read it again soon. This was the very first book that I ever remember loving (maybe besides Harry Potter), and it holds a special place in my heart.
Looking for Alaska by John Green is my favorite young adult book, and I've mentioned it before a few times. I've read this book 3 times already, and I didn't get around to re reading it last year. 
The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly is a the very top of my favorite book list, but the other two come very close behind it. This is the book that I'm currently reading right now, and it will be my third time reading it.
I know some might think its silly to re read books so many times, but these three books are just amazing and they are ones that I'll truly love forever. 

New Reads
And here lies by precious stack of books that I haven't read yet and I want to read this year sometime.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one that I've wanted to read for so long. I actually started reading this already a while ago, but it got lost in the shuffle of reading other things. I don't often start reading something and then pick it back up again, but I'm making a serious point to do so with this one.
The Accidental Empress by Allison Pataki has also been one I've wanted to read for a while. I loved her other book called The Traitors Wife, and I've heard this one is just as good. 
Room by Emma Donoghue is another that I've wanted to read for forever, before it was even made into a movie. I haven't seen the movie yet either, but I'm looking forward to getting around to reading this.
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare has also been at the top of my to-read list since it came out last year. Cassandra Clare is one of my all time favorite young adult fantasy authors, and I loved her Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices series. I expect to love this one too.
Lastly, The Law of Attraction is probably the book that I'm most excited to read this year. I got this for Christmas, and I will probably start reading it as soon as I'm done with the Tea Rose. I've really enjoyed Inspirational books the past few years, and I find myself wanting to read more and more of them.

So these are all the books that I'm hoping to read this year. I've had them all of my shelf since last year, or even longer, but hey I like hoarding collecting books. 

Have you read any of these books that I've mentioned before? What are you currently reading, or plan to read soon?

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