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Monday, August 19, 2013

August Ipsy Bag!

Hello! I finally received my Ipsy bag in the mail today and I wanted to share here on my blog what came in it! I love getting these in the mail and I look forward to it every month! It feels like I'm getting presents lol. I thought this months bag was pretty good and I'm excited to try all of the products that I got. I will probably do some reviews for a few of the products once I try them out.

I love the purple and gold colors in the bag this month, it's super pretty. From left to right the products I got are a sample of the new Urban Decay lipsticks, a Pixi lash booster mascara, a Mica beauty pigment, a Pacifica mineral BB cream, and a Michael Todd jojoba charcoal face scrub.

Here is a picture of the Urban Decay Lipstick in the color called Anarchy. It's super hot pink color.
Here is a swatch of the lip stick and of the Mica Beauty pigment in the color bronze. I love gold/bronze colored eyeshadows so this is perfect for me.

Here is the BB cream and the face scrub. The BB cream looked a little dark for my skin, but maybe once I blend it into my skin it will be okay. The face scrub looks a little weird lol.

Here is a close up of the mascara. I have not really tried any products by this brand before so we shall see how I like this mascara!

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 

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