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Friday, September 20, 2013

How I Clean my Makeup Brushes!

Hello Everyone!! I mentioned in a few tag posts that I've done recently that I hate cleaning my makeup brushes! It's such a hassle and it's just something that I forget to do and is not on top of my priority list. I try to clean my brush as least every other week/every two weeks. I normally keep up on cleaning my beauty blender more often than my face brushes since I use it more. I'm going to share how I clean them and what I use to clean them as well! 

What I use to clean my brushes 

I normally use a baby shampoo and some dawn  dish soap to clean my brushes. The baby shampoo is really good for cleaning brushes because it's really gentle and not harsh on your brushes. I use this to clean my eyeshadow brushes and some times my blush and powder brushes. I use the dawn dish soap to clean my foundation brushes. I like using this on my foundation brushes because they get super dirty and more gross than brushes that I just use powder products for. The dawn dish soap clean them better and gets the product build up out of the brushes a lot easier. I also use the dish soap to clean my beauty blender. I was told it's better to use a more gentle cleanser on the beauty blender, but that thing is a pain in the ass to clean. The baby shampoo doesn't get all of the foundation out of it like the dish soap does. I also really like to use the baby shampoo on my powder and blush brushes because it leaves them smelling super good! Lol.

Here is the before picture of my brushes before I cleaned them. 

How I clean my brushes 
I squeeze a generous amount of soap into the middle of my hand and I run my skin water to a nice warm temperature. You don't want to water to be too hot because the heat will dry out your brushes. 

I swish and swirl the brush in the soap so it's really lathered. 

Once I have my brush nice and soapy, I rinse it out under the water and squeeze the brush to get all of the soap and makeup out of the brush. I repeat this step 1-3 times until all of the product is washed out and the brush is clean. 

Here is the after picture of all my clean brushes! I lay them out on a towel to dry. These take a pretty long time to dry completely. Once or twice while they are drying, I go through and fluff the brushes a little bit because that helps reshape them and also helps them dry faster. 

My husband decided to take a picture of me cleaning my brushes as well LOL!

How do you clean your makeup brushes? If you have any tip to share comment and let me know!! 


  1. Great post Ashley! I remember you posted about hating washing your brushes lol. This is my least favorite thing to do also lol. I basically use the same method you use. I read somewhere that some people use baby shampoo and olive oil to wash their brushes. I haven't tried that method though.

    1. Thanks Pilar! I think the olive oil helps keep the brushes from drying out for the soap. Kind of like a conditioner for them! I have not tried this either yet! I've seen where someone mixes the soap and olive oil together as a cleanser as well!

    2. No problem! There are so many ways to clean your brushes lol! In speaking of olive oil, I responded to your comment on my hair care product's post. I really want to try coconut oil for my hair too!

  2. I loved this post I also use baby shampoo to clean out my brushes !
    I am now subscribed to you by email :)
    sarah xx

    1. Thank you for reading! I will also subscribe to your blog as well!!

    2. Your very welcome and thankyou ! :)
      I have tagged you in the this and that TAG check out my blog to find out more :) xx
      sarah xx

    3. Awesome I will go check it out! Thanks Sarah :)

  3. I always have the hardest time getting the foundation out of my brushes and beauty blender. I never thought to try dish soap! Great idea. Also I have used the baby shampoo and olive oil, I didn't like it, I feel like it made my big powder brush smell like olive oil and I've since washed it a second time and I can still smell it. I only used a tiny bit too. Oh well! Guess it's an excuse for a new brush :)

    1. Definetly try the dish soap! It works so much better especially on my beauty blender! And oh no that makes me not want to try the olive oil lol!!

  4. I normally use just the baby shampoo....but I need to try dish soap. Never thought about that! Thanks Ashley!! You look so adorable washing your brushes haha :)

    1. Thanks Margo, your so sweet!! Def try the dish soap!
