About Me

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Liebster Award!

Hello!! I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Nicole over at Neeners Makeup! I was super excited that she nominated me and you all should go check out her fabulous blog!!

I was also nominated for this award by Margo at Pretty Panda! Everyone please check out her blog as well! It's amazing! I will post her questions below under my questions from Nicole!

"The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 200 followers and the rules of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them, write 11 random facts about yourselves, answer the 11 questions from the award giver and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer. It's a great way for new and undiscovered bloggers to meet new people and find some blogs that they want to follow."

My 11 Random Facts:

1. I'm left handed
2. I loveee the fall time, and I'm so excited that it's September.
3. September and October are my favorite months.
4. I just got married 4 months ago! 
5. I have two cats, and they are my babies.
6. I love reading books just as much as I love makeup.
7. My favorite food is Mac n Cheese.
8. I have a shopping problem.
9. I live in Michigan and I recently decided that I love it here.
10. I want to live on/by the Great Lakes someday.
11. I'm always hungry.

Here are the questions from Nicole:

1. Favorite nail polish?
I love Midnight in Moscow by OPI.

2. Do you prefer your hair curly or straight?
Straight or wavy.

3. Favorite perfume?
Viva La Juicy 

4. Favorite high end product?
Probably my Naked Palettes or my Lorac Pro Palette 

5. Favorite drug store product?
Covergirl outlast foundation 

6. Favorite time of year?

7. Who inspires you?

8. Favorite tv show/movie?
I don't watch much TV but I've always loved One Tree Hill. I started watched it like 10 years ago and I've re watched all the seasons so many times.

9. What purse are you currently using?
I fossil bag. I love fossil. 

10. Best memory from 2013 so far?
Getting married!

11. Silver or gold jewelry?
I actually like a rose or bronzy gold better.

My questions from Margo 

1. If you could only wear one nail polish shade for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Probably Midnight in Moscow by OPI :) it's my favorite! 

2. Do you prefer new beauty, or cult favorites?
New beauty

3. Smoky eye or bold lip?
Smokey eye! I'm afraid of bold lips on myself ha ha 

4. Glitter on your tips, toes, or both?

5. Celeb crush?
I've always loved Johnny Depp 

6. Favorite song?
Anything by Jason Aldean!

7. One clothing item you can't live without?
Big comfy sweaters or cardigans 

8. To contour or not to contour?
A little contour >;)

9. Favorite indie brand (polish OR makeup)
I actually am not sure if I've tried any indie brands of makeup. I have wanted to try lime crime and makeup geek though. 

10. Favorite mascara?
Maybelline Falsies and L'Oreal Telescopic! 

11. Favorite sweet treat?
Oh geeze. I'm a sucker for sweats. Ice cream is probably my favorite! 

Here's the girl that I'm nominating! I know some of you have already been nominated and done these posts before, so don't worry if you don't want to do another one! I love all of they're blogs and you should check them out as well!

Here's my 11 questions:

1. Favorite all time makeup product?
2. Favorite hair products?
3. Favorite food?
4. Favorite fashion accessories to wear?
5. Favorite animal?
6. Favorite vacation spot?
7. Favorite place to shop?
8. Must have items in your purse?
9. Favorite book or magazine to read?
10. Favorite way to relax?
11. Favorite skin care products?

Thank you again Nicole for nominating me! I hope you all enjoyed reading this fun little post and have a nice day! 


  1. Ahh thank you :) I'm gonna go ahead and add you to my noms anyway and answer your questions :). I love that you love fall!! And congrats on getting married! I bet you were a stunning bride. I would love to know what makeup you wore on the big day!

    1. Thank you!! I was actually thinking about doing a bridal makeup post for how I wore my makeup on my wedding day! I will definitely do one sometime this week!! Thanks Margo :);)

  2. Hi Ashley!, thank you for nomination! Your blog is awesome! Mac and cheese is my favorite food too. Congrats on getting married :) check out my responses when you get a moment.

    1. Your welcome I will definitely go look at your answers!

  3. Congratz on your marriage, I am planning my wedding at the moment and envy you having it all over and enjoying married life lol! I love reading these and thank you soo much for nominating me :)

    Lorraine x

    1. Thank you! Planning a wedding is so stressful- but it's all worth it in the end!! Good luck with your planning and try to enjoy all of it! The day goes by so fast!

  4. Loved your answers! Viva la juicy is my favorite too, andi love Jason aldean! I saw him last summer :) I would also love to see a bridal makeup post!

    1. Oh my gosh I would love to seen Jason Alden! I will for sure do some bridal makeup soon!!
