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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pixi Large Lash Mascara Review

Hello Everyone!! Today I am going to be doing a review on the Pixi  Large Lash Mascara. My mom purchased this for target and did not like it so she gave it to me to try out. Since she didn't like it, I didn't really expect to like it either. I have not really used any makeup from this brand before so I was kind of excited to try this out.

The wand for this mascara is pretty large. I usually don't mind a little bit bigger brushes but this one was a little too big. It's similar to the Revlon Lash Potion brush but a tiny bit bigger. 

The first picture (left) is of my lashes with no mascara, and the second picture (right) is of one coat of the Pixi Large Lash Mascara.

The first picture here (left) is of two coats of the mascara, and the second (right) is of three coats of the mascara and one coat on my bottom lashes.

I was happy with the way it looked with three coats. This mascara makes my lashes really long and thick at the same time which is what I like most in a mascara. The formula was also really great because it wasn't too wet or too dry so it applied really easily. I was really surprised on how much I liked this mascara. The only issue is that the brush is really big, so it's hard not to get the mascara all over my eye lid. You can see in the picture with three coats I got it on my eye lid a little bit. Normally this isn't an issue because I have eyeliner on first so you can't see if it gets on there as well. 

Over all I really liked this mascara, but it probably isn't one that I would purchase myself because I believe it's $18, which is pretty expensive for a mascara at the drug store.

Have you tried out this mascara before? If so leave your thoughts on it in the comments! 


  1. I like your pretty blog, I'll be back more often =)
    Do you want to follow each other on GFC?
    Let me know so I can follow you back.
    Kisses, Ana

    1. Thank you! I like your blog as well, I followed you on there!!

  2. Don't you just love how your mom gives you products she doesn't like? Lol my mom does that too! Nice review! I'm always looking to test new mascaras. I was surprised too, that it cost that much for a drugstore product.

    1. Yes I do love it! Haha I give her products that I don't like too so we trade off! There's definetly better and cheaper ones out there from the drugstore!
