About Me

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Liebster Award part 2!

I frist wanted to say thank you to Cynthia for nominating me for the Liebster Award! She has an awesome blog so everyone should go check her out!! 

The Rules:
1. Link the blogger who nominated you (here!).
2. Answer the questions which your nominator has asked.
3. To keep the chain following, nominate some of your favorite bloggers who have less than 200 followers and let them know you've done so.
4. Create some fab questions for your nominees to answer.

 Questions from Cynthia:
1. What do you spend more time on, skincare or makeup?
Definitely Makeup!! I do take really good care of my skin, but my skin routine is pretty simple. 
2. Are you more of a drug store or high end kind of beauty gal?
I love both high end and drugstore things. I tend to buy more high end eyeshadows and blushes, but when it comes to mascaras, eyeliners, concealers, etc. I buy drugstore ones usually. 

3. What is your favorite foundation or base?
Covergirl outlast stay fabulous, and Kat Von D Lock-it tattoo foundation.

4. List your top 5 favorite beauty products.
1.Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette 
2. Benefit Hoola Bronzer 
3. MAC paint pot in Bare Study 
4. Maybelline Falsies Mascara 
5. L'Oreal Carbon Black Lineur Intense Liquid Eyeliner 

5. What is the most enjoyable thing about blogging?
Being able to share my love of makeup and beauty products with other people who enjoy them also! 

6. Do you prefer to read books or watch TV?
Books books books and more books. I'm such a book nerd. 

7. Which is your most worn perfume?
Viva la Juicy and Coach Poppy Flower. 

8. If you were to give any advice to your teenage self, what would it be?
Stop covering your eyes in black eyeliner lol. That would be my beauty advice haha!

9. Sum up your fashion style in a sentence.
Casual, comfortable, but still cute. 

10. Two years from now, what would you like to be doing? 
There's tons of things that I would like to be doing in a few years. Too many to name!

Thank you again Cynthia for nominating me for this award! I would like to tag any of my readers to do this as well! Just let me know if you do so I can check out your answers! 


  1. Congrats on the award! I'd give myself the same advice!


    1. Thank you! If you'd like to do this post, then I nominate you!
