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Sunday, December 1, 2013

DIY Holiday Sugar Scrubs!

Hello and Happy December! 
Today I am going to share how to make two different holiday sugar scrubs! These are great for christmas gifts, or if you want to make some for yourself! They are super easy and you just need some ingredients from the baking section of the grocery store or your kitchen! :)
I found these sugar scrubs last year around this time from RachhLoves  on youtube if you want to  see her video. 

The first scrub is a peppermint or candy cane scent, and the second one is vanilla cinnamon. 

For the Peppermint Scrub 

What you'll need 

-3.5 cups of sugar
-1 cup of light olive oil
-3-4 tsp of peppermint extract 
-4 tsp of coconut oil
Heat up the coconut oil on the stove or in the microwave so it melts. Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. 

Then put the scrub in a jar. I found these jars at Target in a pack of four. I'm not exactly sure what size they are, but the recipe for this filled two jars worth.
Then I decorated the jar cute for christmas with ribbons and bells.

For the Vanilla Cinnamon Scrub 

What you'll need 

-3 cups brown sugar
--2 cups of oats
-1.5 cups of light olive oil
-2 tbsp vanilla extract
-1.5 tbsp cinnamon
-1 tbsp nutmeg 

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl
Since the oats are large and chunky, I blended it in the blender.

I'm really obsessed with these and they smell amazing. I had so much fun making them and decorating the jars LOL!!

These can also be used as a lip scrub as well!!

I hope everyone has a great December and Holidays!!!


  1. I was planning to look or scrub recipes to make for gifts today! Totally making these!!


    1. Let me know how you like them!! Thanks for reading :)

  2. How cute! I definitely want to try the peppermint scrub recipe.


    1. You totally should! Let me know if you like it :)

  3. Yay for DIY projects! These look amazing! Great job Ashley! If I get around to making these I will definitely let you know!

    1. Thanks Pilar!!! It was so much fun making these! I wish I did more DIY projects!!

  4. You should definitely do more! DIY really are fun! Btw, i just tagged you in the Thankful for Blogger Friend tag!

  5. Oooh I think I will have to try this! Such a cute gift idea too. Thanks for sharing this DIY :)
    Ps. I've also tagged you in the Thankful for Blogger Friend Tag :)
    Yours Truly, NY

    1. Let me know how you like them if you decide to make them! And awesome thank you for tagging me!!

  6. Awesome! I'm gonna try this! Do you have any idea how long they last once they are bottled?

    1. Let me know if you like it! I'm not sure how long it lasts, but I think all the ingredients have a pretty long shelf life so as long as you store it in a tight fitting container or jar it should be fine for a while :-)

  7. Awww they look adorable - you made such a good job! i love them and would love to try them xx
    Gem // missmakeupmagpie.com

    1. Aw thank you!! Let me know if you decide to make some :)

  8. it looks great !! i will be trying this on weekend :) Thanks doll !! xx
