I'm sure everyone has heard about the famous naked 3 palette that just came out and has already read/watched reviews on it but I'm going to do one anyways lol!! I was really excited about this palette because I love love love Urban Decay and their other naked palettes.
This comes with little samples of each Urban Decay Primer Potion. I have not tried any of these besides the original one.
First I'm going to talk about the packaging of this palette. It's the same as the Naked 2 Palette, the hard metal case that snaps close. I know this is a better and sturdy package than the original Naked palette, but I actually prefer the original packing for some reason. This one also has little waves on the top of the case which wasn't how the Naked 2 was. I'm not too crazy about this either, I think it's kind of weird lol.
Here is an over view of the shadows. The theme for this one was rose gold toned shadows. They are all super gorgeous, and of course they have a super pigmented and buttery formula like all of Urban Decays eyeshadows.
This palette has a lot of pink tones in it, which I'm not going to lie, I'm not too crazy about either. They are really pretty, but I'm just not a pink eyeshadow wearer. BUT, the second half of this palette with the darker shades is so beautiful. I'm so in love with these colors I can't even stand it.
I also love the brush it comes with. One side is a flat shader brush thats good for packing on color, and the other side is a more fluffy brush. It's different than the brush that came with the naked 2 palette so that is nice.
Here are the swatches of all the colors (top starting from the left side of the palette). The last few swatches look kind of raunchy because I ran out of fingers to swatch them with lol!
A close up of the first half of the palette. I really love the first shade called Strange. It's a great highlight color. The 4th color over called Limit I really love also. It's a great crease and transition shade. The pinks are all super shimmery and glittery.
Close up of the second half. The first shade called Trick is really golden and really similar to half baked and chopper from the first and second palette. I love the next shade over called Nooner. Like Limit, it's a really great crease and transition color. The lighting is kind of bad so you can't see the names very well, sorry!! I really just love all of these shades from Nooner down to the last one called Blackheart.
How I think this compares to the Original Naked and the Naked 2 Palette.
I really think each Naked palette is beautiful and worth having. Yes, they do each all have similar shades, but that isn't something that bothers me. The original palette will always be my favorite because it was my first ever big makeup purchase a few years ago. I like this naked 3 palette better than the 2nd naked because I think the colors in this one are prettier and more versatile for combining shades to create different eye looks. The Naked 2 is still lovely and I'm glad I own it, but if I was to recommend one or the other, I'd pick the naked 1 or the naked 3.
The Eye Looks I Created With this Palette
Look #1
The first look I did with this palette I used the darker half of the platte to create a smokey and more sultry look.
For this look I used Mugshot all over my lid, Nooner in my crease, and Blackheart in my outer corner slightly blended into the crease. I used Strange as my brow bone highlight and in my inner corners. I also used Mugshot along my lower lash line.
Look #2
For this one I used all of the matte colors in the palette to create a softer and more neutral look.
For this look I used Strange all over my lid and for my brow bone highlight. I used Limit in my crease and Nooner in the outer corner and on my lower lash line. This one was super simple and easy, and because I only used three shades I could do it fast with no problem!
I'm so happy I got this palette and I think it's definitely worth it! If you're unsure because you already own both or one of the other naked palettes, I don't think you'll be disappointed in this one! You can do so many different looks with this because all of the colors go so well together!!
Have you picked up the Naked 3 palette yet? If so leave your thoughts in the comments!! I'd love to know what you think about it!