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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekend Post #1

Hey everyone!! Has anyone else seen these weekend/weekenders posts going around? Some of the blogs I follow have been doing these, and basically you share little bits and pieces of your life during the week in a post typically when the week is over.  I really thought this idea was great and I want to join in on the fun. I got really great feedback from sharing my end of 2013 post where I shared more of my personal life with my followers so I thought this would be something you guys enjoy too!!

Now before I start I'm going to say I'm not sure how many fun and excited things I will have to share because I work 50+ hours a week. So I rarely have time to myself because I'm at work all day. But I will share random things like what I'm cooking, things I'm reading, what my husband and I are doing on the weekends, and if anything exciting is happening during the day. 

So now that I've typed an uber long description, let's get into the post!! 

Right now we are in the process of finishing our basement and my husbands office/game room now is completed!! We put in carpet last weekend and then spent some time decorating it with video game posters and decals, and some black light posters. These couches that are in the picture are actually for the living room down there, but since that isn't finish and we don't have a place to put them, we put them here for now. We are going to replace them with black ones later. 

I mentioned in my 2014 goal post that I'm trying to eat healthier and control my portions as well. For dinner a day last week I made chicken and steak fijitas with green and red peppers and some yellow rice. This may not be the healthiest thing in the world, but hey it was delicious and better then getting take out right? ;) I don't know if I mentioned it before but I LOVE to cook!

This week I finished this book called Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I read a lot of young adult books and this one is a contemporary. It was really good and it's one of my new favorites. I didn't want this book to end because I loved it so much. 

I found my kitties cuddling, which is a rare sight. I tried to take a picture really quick before they moved so it's kind of blurry. 

I got some books in the mail and a box from Ulta! Expect a haul and some reviews coming soon!! 

Some other things that were going on-

I had to miss work on Thursday because I had a doctors appointment at 11. I missed my doctors appointment because I got my car stuck in my damn driveway from the snow, and had to reschedule for that afternoon. I has my blood drawn for the first time and it was not fun. Not cool. 

My sister in law is going to have her baby soon, any time now! I can't wait to meet my nephew! So excited! 

I hope you all enjoyed this post and let me know if you are interested in me doing posts like this!!!

Did anything exciting happen to you during this week or weekend?


  1. This is a great post and idea! Nice pictures you showed in your post, your cats are so adorable! I can't wait to read your reveiw on your Ulta haul!

    1. Thanks pilar!!!! I'll definitely have the haul up very soon and some reviews in the next few days ;)

  2. Love this type of post! The basement looks great and I definitely want to read Fangirl! I just have to go get it---and I love Sara Shephard books as well. HAUL! yay :)

    1. Thank you Margo! I think you would really like fangirl! And I'm so addicted to all of Sara Shepards books!

  3. cute cats !! can't wait for you haul doll :) xx

  4. THAT ZELDA POSTER. I want ;__; So jealous of your game room too, haha.

    Glad to see you've joined in for weekend posts! That's a ton of hours of work though. I can't believe you're married! You look so young - I honestly thought you were in high school or early college :P

    xx becky / star-violet.com

    1. Haha yes I'm obsessed with that zelda poster!!

      I'm glad I joined in on the weekend post too! Thanks for the great idea!
      I get that a lot that I look super young! I'm going to be 25 soon LOL!!
