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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weekend Post #3

Hey guys!! Time for my #3 weekend post!! It seems like

This week was pretty unevetful. I spent 3 days home from work because of strained muscles in my back and shoulder, and I have a little cold.  I pretty much did a whole lot of nothing. I caught up on some laundry and housework but that's no fun. Lol. 

I spent the majority of my time at home watching Pretty little liars on netflix. I'm on season 2, and I seriously just can't stop watching. This show is like crack. 

We were having crazy weather this week. It was super warm on Thursday, and then it started snowing like crazy, and then pouring rain with thunder and lightening. What the heck. And now everything is soaking wet LOL. 

I did get to do a little bit of shopping. I picked up a new fossil purse, some bath bombs, and Mac prodcuts, and some shirts from Forever 2. If anyone wants to see a more in depth haul let me know! 

I'm reading the 4th book in the Lying Game Series. 

Saturday night we got take our Mexican Food with some friends. So yum. 

Suprise! I ended up coloring my hair. It was suppose to be a dark red brown but it turned out a black with a tint of purple. Opps lol. 

Sunday I thought my outfit was cute (ignore the messy room and smudgy mirror ha). My husband and I went out and got coffee and did some target shopping and then relaxed at home!

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed! 


  1. AHH I love PLL. I hope you catch up all the way soon so we can gossip about it!! Your hair is awesome!

    1. Thanks Margo!! And I know!! I need to catch up because this show is crazy!

  2. These type post are fun to read Ashley and I hope you're feeling better! That hair color looks great on you! The weather here is crazy too! Week before last we had snow and the other day it was 85 degrees!

    1. Thanks so much Pilar! I guess everyone is having crazy weather lol! That is a big change though from snow to 85!! I totally wish it was that warm here lol!

    2. You're welcome! It is crazy, it was so warm outside the other day. I think its supposed to get cooler again this week lol

  3. How good & addictive is PLL?!! I need to watch the 4th season haha. You will have to also watch the Carrie Diaries, another great show. I LOVE the color of that Fossil purse, perfect for spring. :) Ahhh you're now a brunette, your hair looks amazing!! xx
    Yours Truly, NY

    1. Thanks so much girl!! I will definetly check out the Carrie diaries! I've never watched it before but I've seen it around!

  4. i want to get back started on PLL! I made it through the 1st season. new binge show!!

  5. the food looks yummy :) and you hair looks awesome babe ! xx

  6. Just followed you back love! I really like the color of your Fossil purse..that green is perfect for spring!


  7. Ohhhh, I think I have the same white tiger shirt so we must have really good sense of style ;) I have a messy room as well, guess we didn't really follow through on resolutions!

    xx becky / star-violet.com

    1. I love this shirt! We definitely have good style ;) haha!!!! And even though I always say I'm going to be more organized, it will probably never happen LOL
