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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

New Skin Care Products That I've Been Using

Hello! I didn't want to do an updated skin care routine because I just did one a few months ago, but I thought I would share what skin care items that I've been using since then. I've been using some new prodcuts since my last skin care routine, but a lot of the products are still the same (holy grails!). These all all products that I've been using for the past 1-3 months or so. 

There's are the moisturizers I have been using. 
-Olay 'Nights of Olay' night care. This might be my favorite moisturizer I've ever used. Olay is probably my favorite brand for moisturizer and I've always been happy with them, but this one is amazing. It's super thick but doesn't feel thick or heavy on the skin. It's so moisturizing and makes my face feel great after I apply it. 

-Origins Anti Aging Cream. This is a sample size that I got from a friend and I've been using is as a daily moisturizer. This stuff smells a little bit like lemons and sunscreen. It's amazing. 

-Aveeno Positively Radient daily moisturizer. This is the first Aveeno skin care product I've tried. I don't love this stuff and I probably won't repurchase it, but it was ridiculously expensive so I'm using it up. It does a nice job at moisturizing my skin, but I prefer Olay moisturizers to this one. 

 -Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel. This stuff has been my go to toner for my face. It's so refreshing and it's really great for your skin and acne. And not to mention is smells amazing! 

These next to you might recognize of you red my 'Lush must haves' post. 

-Lush Enchanted Eye Cream. This is my favorite eye cream that I've tried. It instantly brightens up your under eye area. If you want more info on why I love this, you can read about it in my Lush Must Haves post!

-Lush Tea Tree Water Toner. This isn't exactly a new prodcut that I've been using, but I didn't repurchase it for quite a while so I don't believe it was in my last skin care routine post. This stuff is amazing and really does great stuff for my skin! There's more info about this in my Lush post I mentioned above as well! 

-Clear Clinic spot treatment. I acutually recieved this in my ipsy bag last month in July. It's a really good acne spot treatment and I've had great results with it. I will warn you that it does slightly burn after applied for a minute, but it really does dry out and reduce my blemishes. 

What new skin care products are you using? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. That rose withch hazel toner sounds really nice. I recently bought another tube of the embryolisse cream and remembered why I love it so much.


  2. I absolutely hate how regular toners smell, so the rose petal witch hazel one sounds like something I would enjoy. I still haven't gone to Lush, but I want to go soon!

    1. I agree, if toners smell too much like alcohol I don't like them!! You would like the way lush toners smell too!

  3. I love the sound of that toner - i don't think we have that brand in the UK xx

    Gemma // missmakeupmagpie.com

    1. It's really amazing! I found it at a local nutrition store and it was the first time I saw that brand!

  4. I keep some sort of Aveeno and Olay product in my beauty regimens! That witch hazel toner sounds interesting! Where is it sold? I don't think I've seen it in stores or maybe I just didn't know it was there lol

    1. I found this toner at a local nutrition store so I'm not sure where else it's sold! I've never heard of this brand before, but check amazon!

  5. Beautiful picks! I'm using that rose witch hazel toner at the moment and am totally loving it! xo



  6. Oooh great pics!!! You've got me hooked on that witch hazel!

  7. I want that Lush eye cream! I remember your post on it and it sounds amazing. I'm currently testing cleansing oils. I'll be posting about that in the next couple of weeks.

    1. I've been hearing a lot about cleansing oils lately! I can't wait for your post on them!
