About Me

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Hello, September! End of summer life post!

Hi friends ;) 

I can't believe it's already September and Fall will be here soon! September is my favorite month- I could live in Fall all year I sware.

For this post I was going to do a summer recap since I haven't done a life/personal post in a while! 

I felt like this summer flew by and we definetly didn't have a super hot summer here but I am still ready for fall! 

Memorial Day Weekend

My husband and I took a trip to Holland, MI to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary which was a few weeks before Memorial Day. 

Fourth of July

I'm pretty sure I did a post about Fourth of July weekend already, but we just spent some time with friends and had a cookout!

Family, Friends, and Food.
I'm happy I was able and see my family and friends a lot over the summer! We had some fun times and I'm also glad I remembered to take lots of pictures! Plus, lots of yummy food! 

Precious little niece and nephew!
I loooove me some Pho. 

And frozen yogurt. 

On fun adventures 

First trip to Whole Foods 

My cats, of course. 

We finished our basement! 


Renassiance Festival 

Labor Day Weekend 

We took a trip to Royal Oak for the Arts, Beats & Eats festival. 

Afterwards we watched a pretty sunset on the lake. 

Goodbye, Summer! 

*Fall bits*
-My husband and I will be taking a trip to Myrtle Beach at the end of September! 
-I can't wait to go to apple orchards, and see the leave change on the trees!
-Halloween is only 8 weeks away! Haha 
-Big sweaters, boots, scarves, and pumpkin spice coffee here I come!

Thank you all for reading! Let me know what your favorite summer memory is down in the comments! 


  1. Looks like you had a pretty great summer! I haven't been to a Renaissance fest since I was in sixth grade for a field trip or something, but I remember it being so much fun!

    1. I'm obsessed with renassiance fairs!! We go every year and dress up everytime too haha!

  2. You and your husband are so cute together!! I still can't believe you're married (I think I mentioned this before) - I remember thinking you were in your late teens when I first started commenting on your blog! Your cats are very cute too - definitely getting one of my own whenever I move out :)

    I can't wait for the weather to be cooler, I love my big sweaters, boots, and scarves so much!

    xx becky // star violet

    1. Haha thank you!!! I totally look like I could still be a teenager but I feel like I'm pushing 30 now! Lol not really, I'm only 25 :p
      And yes I don't know what I would do without my cats, and fall weather and clothes! Haha

  3. Happy Anniversary Ashley! You and your husband are the cutest! So glad you enjoyed Holland and Myrtle Beach is going to be a blast! I love Halloween and can't wait! You had a wonderful month and I know you can't wait for the holiday season. Wishing you a fabulous week doll!

    1. Thanks Kim! It was a great summer. I love Halloween too! I hope you have a great week also!

  4. Loved this post!! You and your husband are cuties and I loved your outfit for the Ren faire, you looked great!!! I can't wait for Halloween!! Do you know what you are going to be yet??

    1. Thanks so much Margo!!! I'm not too sure yet what I'm going to be. I was thinking an indian/pocohantas maybe!!! What about you??

    2. Looks like you had a great Summer! Happy Belated Wedding Anniversary! The sunset pic of you and your husband is so adorable! Once again, I hope you have an amazing time at Myrtle Beach!

    3. Thanks so much Pilar! I can't wait to go to myrtle beach!

  5. happy anniversary! i love a ren fair! and your mem wkend looked like somuch fun!!
