Thursday, September 11, 2014

Urban Decay Naked 2 Basics Palette

I was pretty excited when Urban Decay launched a new Naked Basics palette because all of the Naked palettes are my favorite eyeshadows. Like I could seriously get rid of all my eyeahdaows/palettes and just keep the UD naked ones and be perfectly happy (not really).

I love the original Naked Basics palette and it was an everyday staple in my makeup routine for quite some time!

I was super happy to come home one day from work and find this sitting on my kitchen counter, thanks to my amazing husband! 

The packaging is just like the first naked basics palette. I believe this retails for around $30. 

5 of these eyeshadow are matte, and the very first one is very slightly shimmer (just like the first palette). 

Here are the swatches. 

And here is a side by side comparison of the two palettes. Skimp and wos are very similar, and so are frisk and naked2 which you can tell is a well loved color for me. 

You can see the Naked 2 Basics had more cool, taupe, and dark tones colors. 

My overall thoughts-
-I am really loving this palette. UD always does such a great job with their naked palettes, I can't pass them up. If you have the first one, I don't really think it's necessary to own them both, but if you love the naked palettes then I don't think you would regret purchasing this either! 
-I love the color selection in this palette, and a lot of these colors are great for the crease, blending, and transition colors. 
-I do wish there was a lighter highlight color in the palette like the first one. 
-I love the darkest color Undone, I think it's super unique and I don't own one like it.
-I do think there is more fallout from these shadows than the first one and they are a bit more powdery, but that is my only complaint about it. 
-At first I debated on getting it or not because in pictures they looked almost identical, but after watching some YouTube videos on it you can see they are different. I'm such a sucker for neutral palettes so I knew I was use this a lot regardless if it's similar to the first one!

Have you picked up this palette yet? If so, leave your thoughts on it in the comments!