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Friday, October 24, 2014

October Ipsy Bag

I mentioned last month that I was giving Ipsy a big thumbs down for the bag I recieve. I'm going to have to say that the past few months (maybe since sping time) my Ipsy bags have been less than exciting and just meh, maybe with a few exceptions.

Let's see what I got this month and how I feel about it! 

This month theme was 'Beauty Candy'. 

 I love the color and the quilted detail. Definitely one of my favorites I've gotten over the years. 

This is a Acacia Protein BB Cream for our hair by Ecru New York.  A BB cream for your hair? What?? This is a leave in treatment that you use before you style your hair. Meh. 

This is a face scrub/exfoliant by Epice. I honesty wish Ipsy would stop sending me hair mask and face cleansers. I never (ok very rarely) use them. I will probably try this one out, use it the one time, and never use it again. Again, meh. 

This is a hand cream by Fig and Rouge. Ok another thing I wish they would stop sending me is hand creams, but, this one has such cute packaging that it is forgiven. I mean come on, who wouldn't want this LOL. Not to mention is smells like mangos. 

This is a baked eye shadow by Jesse's Girl. You all know I love my Jesse's girl palette that I have, so I would have been excited about this but I don't wear silver/gray eyeshadows so this was not so exciting for me. 

Last we have a lipgloss by Starlooks. This was the one thing that I was excited about. I do like Starlooks and it's actually a nice color. Props to Ipsy for finally sending me a lip shade that wasn't red or orange, it only took 2 1/2 years!! Anyways, this is a nice color, it's pigmented, and not sticky. 

The final verdict 
-This bag was just okay for me. I've definitely had worse. 
-I'm excited about the lipgloss and the hand cream. I will try the face scrub and maybe the hair stuff. 
-I really feel like I'm being kind of harsh and critical, and I know I can't expect a lot or like everything I get (not to mention its only $10 a month) but when you get crappy bags month after month, who wouldn't be annoyed?
-I do really like this company, so I don't want to cancle my subscription, but come on Ipsy! Step up your game! When I first signed up the bags were so great!

What did you get in your Ipsy bag this month? 

And also, has anyone ever tried out Beauty Box 5?? 


  1. Great review Ashley! At least you're being honest about how you feel about the products you receive, your reviews are really helpful! The bag for this month is cute and that lip gloss is really pigmented!

    1. Thanks Pilar!!! I do really like the bag and lip gloss! At least something was good!

  2. I've seen so many people get into the ipsy bags, but seeing what most get month after month theu don't seem that exciting. The eyeshadow, hair mask and lip color you got though look really nice and I love the look and detail of this months bag, super cute! I love your honestly too, not raving about something where your true opinion doesn't match. I've noticed that happens quite a bit in the beauty community. Great post Ashley!

    1. Thanks Hillary!!! When I first signed up for Ipsy, I always got great stuff and was always so happy! I don't know what happened lol! It's still fun to get them every month though haha. I know what you mean- I hate seeing dishonesty in the beauty community. I will always be 100% honest about if I like or dislike something!

    2. There's a subscription that I really want to try called Boxy Charm. Have you heard of it? It's $10 more, but you get full sized name brand products. There's a waiting list which kind of stinks. I was on it, but when I found out we were moving (of course that's when they send me an email to let me know I'm done waiting lol) I decided to wait till after the holidays. Who knows, mayby ipsy will send more fun stuff now that the holidays are rolling in!

    3. I have heard of that but I haven't checked it out!! Maybe I'll check out that one instead! I wouldn't mind paying more if I got full sized stuff!! I hope you can sign up soon too!

  3. Yeah, if they keep sending the SAME kind of products that gets boring. I understand how you feel! That lippy color is pretty. I know it looks great on you Ashley. Great review!

    1. Thanks Kim!! That's exactly it- I keep getting the same type of stuff every month! I want more makeup instead of skin and hair care!
