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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fitness with Ashley | Healthy Chia Yogurt Power Bowl Recipe

Hello!!! Today I have another healthy recipe for my 'fitness with Ashley' posts! 

I'm going to share one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast in the morning- a Chia Yogurt Power Bowl. 

What is a power bowl? It's litterly just a bowl filled with different healthy things that have a lot of nutrients, protein, etc. in them. You can make different ones for breakfast or you can do ones with veggies, rice/quinoa and chicken (or whatever meat/non meat you like) for lunch or dinner! 

Chia Yogurt Power Bowl 

What you'll need
- 2-3 large spoonfuls of Yogurt of your choice. I used Organic Greek Vanilla yogurt from whole foods (365 brand)
- 1 to 1.5 teaspoons of chia seeds
- A handful of your favorite granola
- 1 banana sliced and a handful of raspberries, or any other fruit of your choice 
- Honey drizzled over everything 

This makes for a really great late/night time snack too!! It's really yummy and I eat this almost every morning.
You can really put whatever you want in these- sometimes I throw in some slivered almonds, dark chocolate chips, dried fruit, etc. 

Some nutrition facts about the things I put in my power bowl-
-Greek yogurt is super good for you because it is high in protein and calcium! If you perfer regular yogurt, go ahead and use that instead, but since Greek has a lot of protein it will keep you fuller longer during the day. 
-Chia seeds are a great source of protein, fiber and omega-3. They are low in calories, and high in nutrients! 
-Bananas are one of the highest energy fruits. They are also a good source of potassium, vitamin c, and a great antioxidant!  

I hope you all enjoyed this recipe and let me know what your favorite healthy breakfast meals are! 


  1. i don't think i've ever had chia yogurt--i've had them separably!

  2. This looks soo yummy! I never new there was such a thing as Chai Seed lol. I've only heard of them ass flavors before. Whete can you find them at?

    1. Yes they are super good for you! I sprinkle them on like everything lol!! I got this bag at whole foods but I've also seen them at target from their simply balanced brand!

  3. Mnmm guess what I'm gona start having for breakfast? Lol this looks freaking delicious and i really liked how you wrote some of their nutritional values. Love this kind of post :)

    1. I hope you like it! Let me know if you do ;) it's such a great breakfast!

  4. I love Greek yogurt! I'm currently eating FAGE. I need to add some of the above to my yogurt. Sounds great. I love the term POWER BOWL! So cool Ashley.

    1. I hope you try this out! Let me know how you like it! I've never heard of that brand before, I'll have to try it :) thanks Kim!
