Hi friends :)
I was nominated for the Blogger Recogntion Award by my lovely friend Miriam! She has an amazing blog and she posts things from fashion and beauty to yummy recipes etc! Everyone please go check out her blog! Thank you Miriam for nominating me!
- Thank the person who nominated you and give a link to their blog.
- Write a post showing off the award. Give a brief summary of how your blog started and a piece or two of advice to new bloggers
- Select 15 blogs to do this award.
- Comment on their blogs to inform them of the award.
How I got my blog started
I contemplated on starting this blog for quite a while before I decided to do it. I actually tried to do YouTube videos first, but this was 3-4 years ago. I was super awakward and nervous in front of the camera and didn't feel like I was myself while filming, so I stopped doing them. I would like to try to do them again someday though! Then a few years later I actually started a book blog, and had in the back on my mind to do a beauty and makeup blog too. I loved doing my book blog, but I didn't really have any readers or anyone who commented on my posts so I didn't have anyone to talk to about my books/posts. I started my beauty blog because I was inspired by a friend who had one and she encouraged me to make one too when I said it sounded fun! I had both my blogs going for a while, but after I saw how much more activity was on my beauty blog and how many friends I was making on here, I stopped writing in my book blog. So that is how my makeup blog came about! I just kept the name simple as well- my first and middle name plus makeup! I've always loved writing and use to write a ton of short stories and poetry when I was younger, so this is a nice alternative since I don't feel as passionate about writing those types of things anymore! That is also something that I rarely share with people ;)
My advice to new bloggers
1. Be yourself and be honest!!! I love it when I can see/feel a little bit of someone's personality in their writing when I'm reading it! And always always always be honest when you are talking about products that you love/dislike!
2. I'm going to agree with Miriam on her pieces of advice- interact with other bloggers! Make friends who share your interest and communicate with them! Also- it's really annoying when people leave comments asking if you want to follow eachother etc. First off, if you liked my blog you would follow me regardless if I wanted or not wanted to follow you back! And secondly, if someone visits my blog, comments, or follows me, chances are I'm going to visit your blog and follow you back anyways without you having to ask or return the favor!
Who I nominate for this award!
and anyone else who wants to do this!
Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day!