About Me

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Haul + Pictures

Hello! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! 
I haven't made a blog post in almost a week! I was super busy getting ready for the holiday, and tons of other things. My husband graduated from his electrical apprenticeship, so last Sunday we had a family party for him. Monday I spent the day with my best friend doing yoga and crafts, and then we went to see Wicked in detriot! Christmas Eve was spent with my husbands family, and Christmas with mine. Finally today I can relax and catch up on things!!

Today I'm going to share a haul of what I got for Christmas. I really got some amazing things this year and I couldn't be more excited. Some of these pictures I took from my Instagram so don't mind if there's some weird lighting/filters on them lol!

 My amazing parents got me a cute leather Coach purse that's a pretty blush/light pink color. And a Nikon Camera!! I was so surprised at this because I've never had a nice camera before. I'm excited to learn how to use it, and maybe you'll see some youtube videos in the new future ;) 

Hubby got me and elliptical, which is something else I've been wanting for so long now. This one is awesome because I can plug my iPhone into it and it had speakers attached to it!

My brother in law knows me so damn well. He got me an awesome yoga mat, some sweat pants, a beautiful leather copy of The Hobbit and the UD Naked palette. Also a sweet zelda poster, but I forgot to include it. 

My awesome best friend got me some nice stuff for my kitchen! How cute is this coffee cup towel??

Got lots of candles from my mother in law from bath and body works , and the yankee one is from my BFF also. 

My mother in law got me this nice travel makeup case. 

Here's so cute little odds and ends. 
My husbands parents were very good to us this year, I actually felt bad for all the stuff they got us. I also got a nice victoria secrets blanket and some LDE candles. We also got a new set of pans, new sheets for our bed, and new bathroom towels. I couldn't be more grateful!

Some Christmas Pictures 
I took tons of pictures from my family party. It was my nephews first Christmas so it was super fun. 

Me and hubby, me and my mom, my dad and my nephew, and my mom holding her grand babies. 

Playing a game of monopoly with hubby and my brother. Haven't playing this in years!

Me and my brothers on the top pics, me and sissy in law and brother on the bottom. 

My niece and nephew :)

Sorry this post so was picture heavy lol!!

I hope you all had an amazing holiday, and I will have my annual year wrap up post with my 2015 goals up in a few days!

Did you do anything special for Christmas? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Looks like you had a great time and got some lovely presents! x

    - Inès | http://callmehappiness.blogspot.be/

  2. Awh Ashley what a lovely, LOVELY post. I'm so glad to hear you had a good Christmas. Your presents are amazing. We have the same taste! The camera looks great, hope you have fun with it, I look forward to seeing photos from it :)

    1. Aw thank you Miriam! I hope you had a great christmas too! I'm excited to try out the camera! Hopefully I'll have better pictures for my blog now lol!

  3. Your family photos are so cute! I know I've said this before, but you look really young! I'm super excited for you and your camera, my boyfriend recently got a Nikon camera as well. I'm happy to hear (read?) you had such a wonderful Christmas full of family and friends. I'm looking forward to see that goals post!

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Thanks Becky! I totally look like I'm 18 haha so it's okay! I'm excited about the camera, does your boyfriend like his??

  4. I absolutely loved reading this post! I knew it was going to be an awesome post based on your instagram pics! Congrats to you husband! That is a wonderful accomplishment! You got some great presents and you took some nice family pictures too! I'm glad you had a terrific Christmas Ashley!

    1. Aw thank you so much Pilar! That's means a lot that you comgragulated him in your comment!!! I feel Iike we rarely take pictures anymore so I'm glad I took a lot this year!

  5. Ashley, you received AWESOME presents! Both your family and extended family are fab. That elliptical machine is so nice! I like that you can plug your iphone in it. I need to put a tv in the same room I have my treadmill. HaHaHa I love that Coach bag and Nikon camera! Does that complete your Naked Palettes? I finally got all three. Now to use them. Awww, Merry Christmas doll. Yours was spectacular. The holidays are meant to spend time with family.

    1. Thank you Kim!! I actually already the naked palette, but I was running out of a few colors on it LOL! I hope you enjoy yours! I like to watch Netflix while I'm on my treadmill haha!!

  6. You got some really amazing gifts, Ashley and congratulations to your husband, that's a huge achievement! I have the Naked palette but unfortunately it remains as the one palette that I rarely use. No idea why, it just somehow doesn't interest me as much as the others that I own.
    Wishing you and family a very happy New Year! xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thank you Shrieen! And thank you for congratulating him!! This is actually my second naked palette LOL, I ran out of some colors in my first one I had. It's my favorite haha! Happy New Years to you too.

  7. Oooh you received some amazing pressies!! Can't wait till you have your own YT channel, you'll do great.You niece and nephew are such cuties!! Have a wonderful 2015!! :)
    Yours Truly, NY

  8. Looks like you had a great Christmas! A new camera better mean some YouTube videos missy! I'll be waiting lol. Congrats to your hubby too!

    1. Thanks chelsea!!! Oh gosh I actually did film a video but the lightening with horrible haha!
