About Me

Monday, January 12, 2015

Fitness with Ashley | Healthy Protein Pancakes

Hello everyone! I have started my clean eating and fitness journey back up again, so I'm going to be doing posts on healthy recipes and different workout things. We are in the process of turing part of our basement into a home gym and if you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen pictures and the video clip I posted of it. 

Today I'm going to share a recipe for healthy protein pancakes! 

I've always thought pancakes were unhealthy because of the premade batter but then I learned how to make my own with only a few simple ingredients!

What you'll need 

-2 eggs
-1/2 to 1 cup of oats
-1 scoop of protein powder of your choice
-2 bananas 
This recipe will make about 3-4 depending on how big or small you make them. 

What to do

Throw all your ingredients into a blender to make your batter. 

Cook them as you would noramal pancakes in a skillet. 

Then top with your favorite toppings. I used honey today and didn't have any extra fruit to put on top but you can really use whatever!


These are one of my favorite things to make for breakfast on weekends when I have time (I don't during the week lol). They are simple and easy and good for you! 

What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? 

Also will you guys let me know if you would prefer to see these posts on this blog or would you be more interest in me making a seperate blog just for fitness and health related topics? Let me know your thoughts!!


  1. i never do pancakes at home...thanks for sharing the recipe..i want to try to make them

  2. I never use the store bought pancake mix, I agree making our own is much better and healthier! This is a great simple recipe, Ashley. I'll try this but without those bananas, can't stand those damn thing. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Let me know how you like it!! I wanted to try it with blueberries instead of bananas :)

  3. Like Shireen, I never use store bought pancake mix, I always just do mine from scratch. I don't measure anything, so they never turn out the best which sucks because I LOVE them, especially my mother's (mmmmmmmmmm). I am so bad with breakfast now, trying to find something healthy AND that will give you energy is so hard for me. I really despise the porridge here, however now I am really pumped to try this recipe out! I would LOVE more posts like these, posting it in this blog is perfectly fine with me :)

    1. Thanks Miriam! I hope you try this out! I'm really bad a measuring things too that's why I never use to buy pancake mix either lol!! I am seriously not a breakfast person at all so I struggle with finding something healthy and that I enjoy eating too!

  4. Keep everything on this blog! Two blogs will wear you out! HaHaHa I haven't met a pancake I didn't like, so I'm sure I would love these. Will definitely give it a try! Looks so good! Believe it or not hot OATMEAL this time of year. A little apples and cinnamon and I'm good! I saw your home gym! It looks so good. You guys did a great job! I love the set up! I didn't realize you guys had all that fabulous equipment. Very nice and spacious! I like the way things are spaced.

    1. Thanks so much Kim!! I do love eating hot oatmeal too!! It's so warm and good!! Give these a try and let me know how you like it!!
      We had a little bit of equipment but we just finished getting it all this weekend! And you're right- I had two blogs before and it was hard to keep up with both!

  5. These pancakes look so yummy! I'm definitely going to try this recipe! I love how it's also healthy! I think you should keep everything here on your blog! You already have an amazing blog, and I think the health/fitness posts will make your blog even more awesome!

    1. Thanks so much Pilar! I will keep everything on here. I think it will be a pain to start over with a new blog. I hope you try these out and like them!

  6. THATS EXACTLY HOW I LIKE MY BANANAS. Whenever I buy them I have to get two bunches cause my parents always eat them before they get the chance to get that ripe, hahaha. Also, that blender idea is genius.

    I think having fitness and health posts on this blog is fine, it's nice to see a change of pace versus having only beauty posts. But that's just my opinion, you do you! ;)

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Haha yes I seriously use this blender for so much! And I'm going to keep the health and fitness posts on here, I think it will be easier! Thanks Becky!
