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Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello 2015!

I hope you all had an awesome New Years! Today's post is going to be about this upcoming year, new beginnings, and some of my personal goals for this year. I'm also going to reflect on my goals from last year and see what I accomplished! I'm going to keep the stuff from last year short and sweet so it doesn't take up the main focus of this post. 

Last year 
-So last year some of my goals were to eat healthier and get more into fitness. I can say that I was both sucessful and unsuccessful in this. I would get really into it for a few months and then loose motivation. But I can honestly say that Im still very proud of myself for starting the times that I did and I loved seeing how my body changed for the better in the process! This year I'm going to try harder to stick with it!
-I had a goal last year to read 100 books. I failed miserably and only read 30. The previous year I read between 60-70 so that's why I set such a high goal. I wasn't bothered by not reaching my goal because I can only read as much as I have time for! 
-This wasn't part of my goals but I think I had a good start last year to removing some negative things and people from my life, working on doing things I want that make me happy, and doing things that are good for me. I took my first yoga class a few weeks ago and it really brought some positive insight to me!

That is all I'm going to talk about for last year, so let's get into what I want to do for 2015! 

2015 Goals

-More Fitness! This year I was to try to stick with fitness and heathy eating more. I was such a yoyo last year so I'm going to try my best not to loose motivation so easily this year. I also want to start doing fitness and healthy food posts on here again. 
-Stop eating meat.  I personally have never really liked meat. My whole life I've never liked any kind of beef or red meat. When I moved out on my own I stuck to cooking chicken, turkey, and shrimp. But honestly, I just don't love them. I never crave anything with meat in it, and sometimes it just grosses me out. This is something that I have been thinking about doing for about 10 years now and recently it's been more heavily on my mind. Cutting out meat completely is going to be a process and I know it's not something that will happen over night  but hopefully I can do it!
-Reading. I'm going to set a lower goal this year to read 50 books. I've also gotten into reading different types of books, so I'm excited to see what kind I will find this year!
-Travel. I hope to travel more this year and see new places. I want to go somewhere for our anniversary in May but I am not sure where yet! 
-Work on saving and not spending. I'm going to try hard this year to not spend money on so many unnecessary things (ahem, so much makeup LOL). My husband and I want to move out of our house and into a new one in a few years so we want to put away some money so we have some saved to pay extra monthly payments, which will lead to paying things off faster. When we start a family in a few years too, we will have extra money saved! 

So those are my top 5 goals for this year in 2015! I'm also going to start a memory jar to put things in from this year that I want to remember! This year I really want to focus on a lot of positive things. I don't want to worry and stress so much, and I want to learn to go with the flow more. I'm going to do things for myself, focus on my marriage, and family and friends who are important to me!

I will be back next week with some makeup posts and such!

What are some of your goals for 2015? Let me know in the comments! 


  1. Great goals Ashley. I hope you the best and that you are happy with whatever you achieve. I would personally love to see fitness posts from you. I will still be posting some of my progress weight loss wise! I'm thinking about cutting out meat too, but not because I don't like it (because a cheeseburger is my number one crave!), but because I feel soooo bad for animals!

    1. Aww thanks so much Miriam! I will definitely do more fitness posts this year! I feel really bad for animals too, and that's another reason why I don't like eating meat. I think they are treated really badly and it makes me so sad!! I can't wait to see your progress!

  2. Ahh, these are really good goals, Ashley and hope you manage to accomplish all. Like Miriam, I look forward to some fitness posts from you. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thank you Shireen!! I will for sure be doing fitness posts sometime in the near future!

  3. I would love for you to do fitness and meal posts on your blog. It would inspire me. I think you do an excellent job working out and staying in shape. You do an assortment of exercises which makes things not boring. Try being a vegan! I've cut back on red meat. I try to eat more fish and chicken. Girl, you put me to shame when it comes to reading books. I read like 3 last year! HAHAHA I'll try 1 a month. Ashley, you should review samples too! It's a great way to inform others and we probably don't have the same! Good for you in saving money! That's an awesome goal for your future family! More important than a boat load of makeup. HAHAHA You will do well! Love your goals! CHEERing you on!

    1. Thanks for all your kind words Kim!! I actually considered going vegan and I do buy many vegan thing already! But I love cheese and yogurt LOL! I think reading one book a month is a great goal for you!! And I woll definitely review some of my samples, thanks for the great idea!!

  4. Great goals, Ash!! You can come to Australia for your anniversary *wink* *wink* haha. I also want to work on my fitness, I just need to find the motivation to do exercise!! :)
    Yours Truly, NY

    1. Oh girl I would love to go to Australia! That's one of my top places I want to visit!!! Thanks natalie!!

  5. Agree with your 2015 goals, I'm just about to upload my own xoxo happy new year btw x Check out my new blog post! I'm in need of some followers, thank you! X http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk

  6. Wonderful goals Ashley! Saving money is always a good thing! You know I thought about cutting back on eating meat this year since I don't always eat meat with my meals anyway. Don't get me wrong I love bacon, but it's not like I eat it all the time. Honestly when I don't eat meat I don't feel as sluggish. It's so true the things we eat can impact how we feel physically afterward lol. I look forward to your fitness posts! I hope you go somewhere fabulous for your anniversary this year!

    1. Thank you Pilar!! I totally agree that what you eat impacts on how your body feels!! I feel super sluggish when I eat a ton of carbs like bread and stuff too!! I do love bacon haha! Maybe if I stop eating meat, I'll just let myself had bacon and stuff as a treat sometimes!

  7. Definitely agree with removing negative things/people from your life - it makes everything a lot less stressful. As much as it sounds bad to say it, one of the people that gave me the most negativity in my life was one of my best friends from high school, and when I realized we drifted apart and didn't talk to each other very often anymore I found myself a lot happier and positive.

    I'm not one to eat a lot of meats either, but I don't think I could cut it out entirely. Sometimes there's just something that's so tasty, I want to eat it so I do :P Most of my diet is plant based, though. I really need to step up on the fitness hahaha, I'm going back to school this semester so maybe I'll utilize the school's gym!

    Hope you'll find an awesome place for you + your hubby's anniversary! Personally I'd go for somewhere fun like Disneyland/world :P

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. The exact same thing happened to me with a good friend from highschool!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one haha!!
      That's awesome your going back to school becky! And that's cool you can use your schools gym!
      We actually went to disney world for our honeymoon! It was so fun :)
