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Monday, March 30, 2015

March Lifestyle Post!

Hello hello!!
Today I'm going to share what I was up to in March. I will link my 'Document your Life' video at the end of this post, just like I did for the past two month. 

So tell me, do you guys enjoy these life/personal posts that I have been doing? Let me know in the comments!!

Hubby bought a new car so that is super fun and exciting. It's a 2002 Corvette that's in perfect condition. It's like brand new! 

We had a St. Pattys day party on the 14th. I didn't take many pictures sadly, so here's one of me and hubz.

It was my best friends birthday this month so to celebrate we spent the day in Ann Arbor and got some Pho and bubble tea. 

Since I was sick, I spent a lot of time in bed with my cats. And taking pictures of them LOL. 

I got to see my niece and nephew a few times which is always great. 

Sunday was my moms birthday! 

Me and hubby went to see Insurgent finally! 

And last picture is of when me and hubby went to The Rough Draft, which is a local coffee and barroom in our town. We went there for lunch and they have the best lattes ever. They put them in these beer glasses so I thought they looked cool lol!

-I also finally got around to watching Mockingjay Part 1. I have mixed feelings about it.

-I ended up reading 4 books this month. I finished up the last book in The Tea Rose series, The Wild Rose, which is the book series I've been talking about for the past few months. I also read The 5 Love Languages. Have any of you read this?? You guys, this book is incredible. Next I read The Summer I Turned Pretty, which was okay. And lastly I read Silver Linings Playbook. Which was also just okay. I want to watch the movie but I didn't care for the book much. Last night I started reading Fall of Giants by Ken Follett. 

- I finished up Gossip Girl on Netflix and I'm sad it's over. Now I'm watching Switched at Birth and it's super good! I'm also catching up on the new Vampire Diaries that's currently playing on tv. And we're addicted to American Idol!

-Me and hubby are currently playing Final Fantasy 9. He played it years ago but wanted to replay it with me. It's got a pretty good story line too! I'm also getting back into playing WoW. I bet you guys didn't know I'm a video game nerd ha ha ha!

That's all I think I have to talk about! This post was super long so I'm going to end it and link my video! Thank you all for reading! 


  1. Oww! Sweet kittens. :3


  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful month, Ashley! I showed my hubby the Corvette (it's his dream to own one) and he said, if I stop buying so much darn makeup, maybe he'll finally afford it one of these days. He's a turd. LOL!

    I really need to post my 'cheat' Pho recipe, it got really good response from hubby so maybe others will like it too.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thanks Shireen!! And LOL tell him we can never stop buying makeup so he will have to find his own way to get that car haha!!

      And I would LOVE to see that recipe!! I have no idea how to make pho but I heard its a long process lol so any cheat version would be great for me!!!

  3. This is such a cute post, the pictures you took are lovely and act as a wonderful visual diary you can document with, so whenever you want to look back you can xx such a beautiful and thoughtful idea !! Xx your month looked great, I hope April is as successful and brings happiness for you once again xxx Check out my latest blog post at http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk !! Xx followers are desperately needed xxxxx

    1. Thanks so much, for all your kind words! Glad you enjoyed this post, I'll check out your blog!

  4. FOUR ENTIRE BOOKS is a lot to me, hahaha. I'll be surprised if I even finish four books in a year! The graffiti'd alleyway looks SO COOL, the stars on the ceiling are so much fun and remind me of these glow in the dark stars my uncle used to tape on his ceiling room. Love the faces you're making while you're celebrating St. Patrick's Day (??? with the guy in green?) too :P

    The new car looks pretty awesome! I love me a Corvette Stingray but unfortunately it's more for show if anything haha. Also love the song of choice for this video, I used to listen to Jimmy Eat World all the time back in high school!

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Haha! Four books use to be minimal for me! I use to read 5-6 books a month. Now 4 is a lot per month lol!
      And yes the graffiti wall is so cool! I make sure I go see it everytime I go there!

      And LOL I don't know what I was doing with my face in st pattys day. I was being weird lol. Hsha I think most corvettes are for show lol!! It's definitely a summer car that's for sure! And I love jimmy eat world too!

      Thanks becky!

  5. Ashley, you and your husband are the cutest! I love his hair! It's gorgeous! I love a man that has thick hair. Congratulations on his new purchase. Men and their cars! We have our beauty products. They have their cars! HAHAHA Happy Birthday to your mom! She's so pretty and I loved her cake. I've been watching Netflix also. So many series to look at (at least I have to catch up on hahaha) I need to up my reading game! I have so many books looking at me. HAHAHA I love these posts. I know they're tedious to put together, but it definitely gives us a glimpse of what goes on in your life. I need to do more of these myself. Everyone must think I have a house filled to the rooftops with beauty products, which is so not true. HAHAHA

    1. Thank you so much for all your kind words kim!!
      Haha yes men and their cars. At least our beauty products are cheaper!! And I do love my husbands hair. I hope our kids will have his hair when we have them!

      And I agree with the Netflix series! There's just so many and I always get overwhelmed when I need to pick a new show lol!

      I would totally love to see you do posts like this! I love getting to know everyone better!

  6. i love gossip girl! i hope they keep it on netflix for always. the music in first season is so good.

  7. Aw Ashley this post and video has seriously brought a smile to my face.You and your husband are the cutest couple ever :) you are such a sweet person, and your videos always reflect that, you have an eye for catching really lovely moments :) Sounds like you had a good month :) Look forward to next month's post :)

    1. Awww thank you Miriam!! that was really sweet of you to say! I'm so glad you liked the video, I'm having fun making them each month!!!
