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Sunday, August 16, 2015

ColourPop Lippie Stix Review

Hello!! I placed my first order with ColourPop after hearing about a million people in the beauty community talk and rave about this company. The Lippie Stix are super popular and a few YouTubers have collabed with them to make their own shades, shadow sets etc. Now they have blushes, bronzer, highlights, you name it. 

After an overwhelming amount of Lippie Stix and shadows I looked through for days, I finally picked out three Lippie Stix which I am sharing today, and some shadows that I will do a post on later this week. 

The amazing thing about ColourPop is that their products are really great quality for a super cheap price. Their Lippie Stix and shadows are $5 each, and their cheek products are $8.

The three colors I chose are (from top to bottom) Westie- Soft dusty baby pink in a Matte finish, Topanga- A mid-tone dusty coral in a Satin finish - Fiesta- light peachy pink in a Cream finish. All descriptions where from colourpops website.

Here are some swatched of the colors. From top to bottom- Westie, Togenga, Fiesta.  
I sadly did not like two of the colors chose. I did like Westie but I didn't like Topenga or Fiesta. *also I did use some self tanner in this photo, so these shades don't look too bad but unfortunate my face isn't this tan so they look quite different on my pale face*

Getting the bad shades out of the way, the first is Fiesta which looks like i smeared a cream sickle all over my lips. It's almost too opaque and creamy of a color that it didn't look right. Topanga is a beautiful color, however it's too orange for me. But let's be real, I pretty much bought it for the name. 
Honeslty, the shades don't look quite so bad in these pictures but this doesnt even do them justice on how bad they look!  My husband even said 'those oranges will make you have clown lips' LOL. 

 Here is the shade Westie, which I really liked. It's a light pink with a slight purple undertone. It reminds me of Snob from Mac. 

My overall thoughts-
-Since Westie is the only one I really tested out, I will say that it has really great staying powder. I can't speak for the other shades and formulas but this one is matte and it stayed put for quite a while through eating and drinking. I didn't time this exactly but I'm estimating about 5 hours of good wear. 
-All these that I purchased had a creamy formula and were easy to apply. 
-I didn't find the pictures and swatches on the website 100% accurate. Westie looked more light, fiesta definitely did not look like a cream sickle, and Topenga is not 'dusty or mid toned' like the description claims. The swatch of Topenga looks more of a raspberry/strawberry shade but in person, I promise it looks way orange (at least on me). 
-I'm a little disappointed I didn't like two of the shades, but they were only $5 so I can't complain too much. 
-I was also super impatient with the shipping time. I'm so use to getting an email from companies (sephora, ulta, elf etc) the very next day saying my order was shipped. This took almost a week to be processed, and once it was shipped it got delayed so I didn't get my order for almost two weeks.

Overall I'm pretty happy with Westie, and would like to try more but I'll be cautious now on which shades to choose!

What are your favorite Lippie Stix from ColourPop? Let me know in the comments! And look forward to my review on the shadows later this week! 


  1. I'm glad you tried out Colourpop! It is too bad the two didn't work. I was thinking about getting Topanga (also for the name haha) but now I won't. I really like Lumiere, which I think you would like because it is actually a dusty pink and really easy to wear.

    1. I also got Lumiere!! Now I'm kicking myself for not getting it lol!! This is what I get for trying to step out of the box and try new shades LOL!! I actually think Topenga would look great on you , Margo! You can pull off the red and orange tones so well!

  2. I would say the shades DO look different on each person because Topanga def looks more coral on me than orange. There have also been colors both El (from The Beauty Isle) and I have purchased and they look completely different on both of us. She has more of an olive skin tone compared to me. If you decide to try more I say try out Lumiere and Brink. Lumiere is a purplish-mauve. Kathleen Lights created that one and shes pretty pale. You could get an idea of how it would look on you. Brink is more of the Kylie Jenner lip. Its a brownish-pink-red. It pulls more brown/red on me but dont a dark brown just a wearable everyday nude. Lastly, you could try Frida which is a pinky peach. Other than those I have mostly dark or bright colors like hot red or hot pink or wine colors. I have ALOT though so if you have any questions let me know and check out my reviews.

    1. Ohhh I bet Topenga is beatiful on you Tanya! I was hoping it would be coral on me too but it just looks like a dark orange. I almost got Lumiare and now I'm so sad I didn't get it! Brink sounds super nice too. Thanks for all the recommendations, I'll check some of those out! I'll definitely play it safe with the next shades I get, and I'll look at your reviews of them too!! I did want Lumiare because I love Kathleen lights, I actually got the eueshadow set she designed!

  3. You know it's bad when the hubster says something. Haha! I have been thinking about placing an order with ColorPop but reading your experience makes me nervous. I hate buying makeup online for this reason, that the shades will arrive wrong. :-/

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. LOL right!! They so have swatched on line on different types of skin tones but that didn't so much for me. Next time I'm going to look up youtube videos and see them actually swatched on camera, so maybe try that out before you order!

  4. Westie looks so pretty on you! But I bet it will look lighter and pale on my lips. It happens all the time on me. I think Topanga is such a pretty shade, too bad it turned out to be orange.
    Il think if I'm gonna buy the lippiestix I'll stick with a more safe shades too, like Brink or Pinch.. maybe get some bright shades as well
    I can't decide which one to get, there are so many!

    1. thank you! And I totally agree with sticking to safe shades , brink looks like such a pretty one! I bet Topenga would look super pretty on you too! I had a hard time deciding which ones to get because there's so many

  5. From the pictures Ashley, they look nice on you! But I can understand how you feel and when your husband said clown lips I had to laugh. Men will definitely mention when they don't like something. HaHaHa I have seen SO MANY Colourpop reviews. I've been looking at swatches on instagram (great source) and I wrote down clueless, beeper, solow, vice, midi, 1st base, shimmy and donut but I'll have to look at them again. Great price point! Cant wait to read your next review.

    1. Thank you Kim!! And LOL I did laugh too when he said clown lips! I'll have to look on Instagram for some swatches before I order next time! They are so great on price so I hope you get it order those shades!

  6. i was disappointed in mine too. not the wear or finish, but the colors are awful on me.

    1. Oh no! I'm glad I'm not the only one though! And they are ao raved about

  7. From the pictures I think the colors look great on you, but I get what you're saying. You know its serious when a man comments on makeup lol. I remember a while back I did a super bright makeup look (for blog purposes) and my best best friend said something. He asked me would you actually go to mall like that, with all the bright makeup on? Lol have you thought about using a lip liner for the other lippies you didn't like? Maybe a darker lip liner? I'm an optimistic person when it comes to lipstick shades lol

    1. Thank you Pilar! And LOL!! I like your colorful makeup and don't see why you wouldn't go out with it on! but I get what your saying about when the guys comment on it lol!! And I haven't tried the lip liner yet. I think I can do that with the darker orange shade but I don't think there's much hope for the lighter one lol!!

    2. Lol! I do go out with colorful makeup, but that particular look was overly bright and it clashed with the bronzer I was wearing. The pics came out well, but in person I looked super orange with bright makeup on lol. So I could definitely could see his concern haha! With the light shade, try either a dark pink, or dark brown. That should help the color be more wearable to your liking.

    3. Oh geeze lol! I have definitely done that before too! I will try it with a darker brown liner! I almost feel like the formula is too creamy and thick that it would just cover up the liner, does that make sense?

  8. That makes sense, you could also try filling in your lips with the liner, like you would wear a lipstick, then add the lipstick on top. It should give you a darker shade. You just have to play around with it. I do that with MAC's A Novel Romance sometimes because it's such a light bright pink I try to tone it down with a dark pink lip liner and it gives a nice shade once I'm done. I hope that helps!

    1. Ok I'll try something like that! Thank u!! I might also try to apply it with a brush maybe so I can sheer it out a little?

    2. You're welcome! I'm glad you mentioned using a brush, I forgot to include that in the last comment lol! Let me know how it turns out!

  9. Awh man, I have 6 or 7 lippie stixs from Colourpop and there's only one I don't like! Westie has been on my want list for a while though so I'm glad you ended up liking that one at least :) I do agree that the shades can look a little different than the way the sight potrays them, which I always find a little annoying with companies.


    1. I think you'd like Westie! It's gorgoues. And I do think that it's partly my fault for not liking the shades because I was trying to step out of the box and choose ones that are out of my comfort zone!

  10. Oh man, I'm sorry you weren't a fan of some of the colors. I'm pretty pale myself and I really love Frida and Lumiere. I'm wanting to purchase a few more colors. I agree, the shipping is a bit frustrating!

    1. I'll have to check out those color!! And that's what I get for trying to step out of my box and try new shades I'm not sure to LOL!!! I almost got Lumiare and everyone keeps saying how great it is so now I wish I would have!
