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Thursday, September 17, 2015

September Ipsy Bag + Unboxing Video

Hello!! On my last months ipsy bag post, I asked you guys if you'd be interested in seeing an unboxing video for this months bag. A lot of you said yes, so I filmed the video! I wanted to do an unboxing video because I've had mixed feelings about ipsy and a lot of my bags have been really blah and not very exciting. This way you guys could see my initinal reaction and first impression on the bag. 

So here's the video if you guys want to watch. If not, then I'll post some pictures below too. 

Here's what I recieved this month. I'm or going to go into detail, If you fits want to see my thoughts then click the video!

*Also I was wondering if you guys like it when I make a post here on my blog that I've made a YouTube video or not. I'm working really hard on my videos right now, and I don't want you to feel it's taking away from my blog when I'm posting videos on here too. It's kind of hard to balance both, so if you all would rather me just do written blog posts here instead of linking my videos along with them, let me know!!*


  1. I got the same eyeshadow trio and that's pretty much the only thing I am excited about, the rest were a cleanser, mini lip crayon with a super pale shade that will make me look like death, cream blusher (hopefully it's good?) and a moisturizer. I'm excited about my Glam bag as much as a dead pig in the sunshine...

    ps: I think it's great that you post your videos here, Ashley, please don't stop cause I don't frequent and surf YouTube except for practising my yoga. Posting it here means I can catch up with your latest videos/posts easily.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I haven't been too excited anot ipsy bags lately either, surprising this one was good for me. Too bad you didn't much you liked in yours!

      And thanks for your input on keeping my videos on my blog too! I'll definitely keep posting them then!

  2. Trust Fund Beauty Nail Polishes are on my list to try! I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts on that brand. Pretty good items this month! I say stick it out until the end of the year with the subscription. It's holiday time so you should get some good stuff. Great video.

    1. I'll have to do a review for the nail polish for you! I'm just bad and get gel on my nails so I'm not sure when I'll try it out. Hopefully soon! And thank you Kim, I'm glad you liked the video!

  3. Great video Ashley! It looks like you receive a lot of good products this month! I like the color of nail polish and the NYX palette!

    1. Thanks Pilar! I like the color of the polish too!

  4. I like having a blog post that links to your video. I follow you on bloglovin and use that to follow people. I don't use youtube as much.

    1. I'll keep posting my vidoes on my blog then! Thanks Tanya!

  5. This seems like a better bag than most recently!!! I liked the video and seeing your straight up honest first opinions!!

  6. i got that polish last month. such a pretty color. we both got NYX!
