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Monday, November 2, 2015

October Lifestyle Post + DYL Video

Hello! Where the heck did October go!? I'm sure you can all agree with me that not only has October gone by very fast, this this whole year in general has been flying by! 

Anyways- I've mentioned countless times that I love Fall and September and October are my favorite months so I was sad to see them go. But I do also love November, I love thanksgiving, and I get super excited for the holidays and Christmas too!

I spent a lot of October sick with a reoccurring cold, and finally got some antibiotics in me so now I'm feeling better. I want to thank you all for your sweet comments and well wishes when I was sick!

And other than being sick, let's see what I was up to!

One of my cousins got married at the beginning on October, so here's pics of me and hubby, and one with my mom and sister in law. 

We celebrated Halloween a weekend early, and this brought out the needy side of me and my husband. I was Pikachu and hubby was Ash. It was super fun and I actually made my husbands shirt. I couldn't find one online that wasn't surprised expensive so I bought a blue and white button up dress shirt. I cut the sleeves and collars off, and sewed/glued the white ones onto the blue. And attached the yellow fabric with glue as well. Pain in my ass LOL!

We went to a Cider Mill in Rochester on the 25th with our friends. We went here 5 years ago for our engagement pictures and haven't been back since. There's tons of trails by a river and it's super pretty. We also got to see a guy propose to his girlfriend while we were there! It was super cool because I've never seen an engagement happen before! 

And here is my little pumpkin that I grew in my garden! Bahaha. It was unintentional but I was pretty excited about it. 

And that is pretty much it for my month of October! I'll link my DYL video and I hope you all enjoy watching!

How was your October?? Did you do anything fun for Halloween? 


  1. Now I know where you get your good looks from, Ashley, your mum is stunning! I know that sentence is so cliche but I honestly meant every word! LOL! Your mum also looks really young!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Aww thank you Shireen! I think my mom and I look a lot alike. She does look very young, she will be 60 on March!

  2. nice pumpkins...you had a lot of funny

  3. The months are def flying by. Its scary! You are pretty crafty! Your husband's Ash jacket came out great!

    1. Thanks Tanya! And I agree that it's scary how fast time is going by!

  4. This is awesome Ashley! I totally loved you and your hubby's costumes! Sooo cute!

    1. Aww thank you margo! They were fun costumes!

  5. Ugh, I got sick in October too - I was out of class and work for an entire week! Still played with makeup though :P You and hubby's costumes are soooo adorable, if I'm ever doing anything for halloween with my man I'll have to heavily hint that I'd like to go as Pikachu and Ash.

    The flat thing running with water in your video looks really cool! I want a fixture like that in my home one day, haha.

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Haha I still play with makeup when I'm sick too. Or I at least put on foundation and mascara lol!! I hope your feeling better though! Seems like everyone has been sick.
      And thank you! They were such fun Halloween costumes!! You and your man should totally do it for next year!!

  6. Haha oh gosh I smiled at that adorable little pumpkin! Too cute :'D I can't believe the Fall months are already almost over, the best time of the year seems to fly right by!


    1. I agree that Fall seems to go by way too fast and it's definitely the best time of the year! I'm so not ready for snow and cold yet! And haha thank you I'm glad you liked my little pumpkin lol!

  7. Such pretty pictures, agree the year has gone so fast!

  8. loved your monthly recap! y'all looked so cute! i love how it really looks like fall where you are! does that make sense??

    1. Thank you Elle! And yes that makes totally sense! That's why fall is my favorite, all the pretty colors and leaves!

  9. Thanks for taking us along with you! It looks like you had a great month even though you were sick. Glad you're feeling better.

  10. Ashley you were too cute for Halloween! Making costumes is the way to go. They are so expensive now! I was like whaaat? How much? LOL I bet to see that proposal was nice. Hope you're feeling better. Being sick is definitely not fun.

    1. Thank you Kim!! And I agree that costumes are way too expensive! I'll buy a few accessories for them but not the whole costume! And Thank you, I am feeling better!
