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Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Little Things #3

Hello! I hope you all had a great Christmas if you celebrated! 

I'm going to keep it simple today and do another 'it's the little things' post, and I'll be back next week with some makeup related things!

If any of you have pets, then you know how dearly we love them. I'm an animal person which I've mentioned countless times. I have two kitties and I love it when they want to cuddle, which is usually only when I'm in my bed or strangely enough, when I'm sitting at my computer desk. They like to crawl all over me and my desk when I'm trying to play my games, stepping on my key board, and swatting at my screen!

Some how, she got up on the top part of my desk *inserts weird emoji face*. 

I think I've shared most of these pictures on my Instagram, but I really just wanted too share my kitties on my blog, because cuddling with them is definitely a little everyday thing that makes me happy. 

What's a little thing that made you happy this week? 


  1. They are adorable! There's a cat game I've been playing on my phone called "neko atsume" and you're pretty much just collecting cats lol. I want my own cat/s someday, just not now since my mom claims that she's allergic. But I'm pretty sure that'll change when I actually do get one or two and she falls in love with em hahaha.

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Haha thank u!! And you should totally get a cat (or 10) some day! And I have allergies and I can deal with the cat hair, it's not that bad. And I've heard of that game!! I'll have to check it out!

  2. Pets are so therapeutic! I had two dogs several years ago and they were comforting. Your cats are gorgeous Ashley! Thanks for showcasing them. Love the pic of the cat near the stuffed animals. So cute.

    1. Thanks Kim!! And I agree that pets are super comforting!

  3. I am a huge animal lover myself. I have always wanted a Persian Cat but my husband is super allergic to cats so we can't. I love your kitties, so cute!

  4. Love this post and your pics Ashley!I think your kitties are so cute! I think it's so cute how your cat blends in with the stuffed animals lol

    1. Haha thank you Pilar! And I know! It took me a while to realize she was up there lol!

  5. You already know how much I adore your 'little things' series, Ashley and this is no different. I wish we could have a dog but living in a small home with a very small backyard, it's just not wise. Your cats are so beautiful, I love that last picture of you and your cat. xx

    Reflection of Sanity | StayLean Tea Australia Giveaway

    1. Thank you Shireen, I'm glad you like these posts and the pictures!! And I kind of wanted a dog too, but we don't have much of a yard either and we aren't home a lot! Cats work better lol!!

  6. safe travels and surviving the holidays made me happy. i did it.

  7. My dog is definitely the one thing that can make me smile and cheer me up on even the worst of days.

    1. Having a pet is seriously one of the best things in life!

  8. Awww these pictures are too too cute!!! I hope you have a great week Ashley!

  9. Your cats are so cute! I have small dog, and I know my life would feel so much different without her.

    1. Thanks Lauren! And pets we definitely an amazing part of life!
