About Me

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Little Things #5

One of my favorite things to do is go out for a good breakfast. I love going to a bakery for a coffee and a bagel, or a diner with friends. 

However, getting up in time for breakfast on weekends is usually a no no for me. By the time I get around and we go out I usually just want lunch food instead. I'm not a tradition egg, bacon, hashbrown eater for breakfast but once in a while when I do still want breakfast at noon or 1pm I love to indulge in a good waffle or some crepes. 

Last Sunday my husband and I went for breakfast with a few of our friends. It's a fun way to start the day by visiting with others, drinking delicious caramel mochas (I had 2, oops!!), and eating some yummy breakfast. 

I ordered crepes with cherry toppings, and they had a cream cheese/custard filling. This plus the caramel mochas were very rich and I couldn't even finish eating them lol!! They did made some great left overs though! 

Sometimes little things in life are as simple and enjoying ourselves with friends and a good breakfast. This is something that I wish happened more often than it does, but it's always special anyway. 

What's a little thing that made you happy this week? 

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