You guys. I've been in the worst makeup rut. I've been using the same exact things every single day with the exception of switching up my foundations. I kind of put off this favorites video because I just didn't feel like I had much new stuff to talk about other than the Tartelette in bloom palette. So I'm very sorry if this video is kind of boring because I did share some repeat products that I talked about last month! I really need to switch up my makeup routine and I've literally been using the same blush and bronzer since February or end of January, also the same lipstick, and have not even touched another shadow palette since I got the Tartelette in bloom palette early in March. LOL!
Anyways, here is my favorites video for March! I hope this month in April I have more to talk about for my favorites and more reviews to share. If you saw my post earlier this week on the QVC box I won in a giveaway, then expect some reviews from all those goodies and I hope some of them will make my favorites list too!
What are some of your favorites from March?
*Also I've decided to start doing some book related videos on YouTube. I mentioned in a video I did called 'what I read in 2015' that I wanted to do more book videos this year. When I do book videos, I will probably post them on my YouTube channel on tuesdays or thursdays. I won't be posting them on my blog though, so if you want to see them be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel! I posted my first one yesterday, and I will put the video here on this post if you want to watch it, just to give you guys a heads up since its the first one I filmed, but after this just watch out for them on my channel!*