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Thursday, April 7, 2016

My Life in March

Just like my monthly favorites post for March, this post is going up a lot later than I had planned. With Easter being the last week in March, it was super busy both at home and work , and then with school spring breaks coming the week after my work was absolute craziness. 

So even though the first week of April has almost passed, I still thought I would do this post, because why not. 

I thought spring arrived, but it's been cold, raining, snowing, sleeting, etc. Easter Sunday was beautiful and almost 70 degrees (more on Easter later!) and now it's back in the 30s. Ugh. 

I talked about the piece or property we bought last month, and if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I shared some photos of it there too. As of now, we want to start building about a year from now. This summer we will start clearing trees and possibly build a pole barn so there's something there for storage etc. 

We had our first Bon fire of the year at a friends house. This was on one of the warmer days of last month so we got lucky because I don't see another one anytime soon lol!

Easter was fun. I always love seeing my niece and nephew. We did tons of face swapping pictures on the snapchat app, but I won't scar you with those! 

Me and hubby had the same day off on a random Tuesday which never happens so we spent the day in Ann Arbor which is one of my favorite cities to visit. We always get bubble tea and Asian food while we are there. We usually get Pho but hubby wanted sushi so we ate at a Japanese place instead. I tired a vegetable udon noodle soup, but I wasn't a fan. Everything else was yummy though, and even though I didn't care for the soup I'm glad I tried something new. 

I sware you guys, nerdy things are consuming my life. We've been watching a ton of animes and I've been reading a lot of mangas. Right now we are watching One Piece. And I also cannot stop playing Stardew Valley. It's so addicting and my face has been glued to my computer screen. I sware one day I played it for 8 hours and there's been a few times I've been up till 3-4am playing it. LOL. Which is why I've sorta of been absent on social medial sites lately, oops!

I switched up my nails to a light purple color. It's such a change because I've had black on my nails for the past three months. I kind of miss it because I like dark colors better and I could wear the black all year round but everyone kept telling me to do s spring color lol! I wish I knew how to take better hand pictures haha!

That's all that's been going on here. Starting Sunday I'll have 10 days off work , and so will my husband. We wanted to go somewhere but it's kind of last minute and plane tickets are so expensive right now. We might do a short few days/weekend trip somewhere fast but I'm not sure.

So that was March for me. I hope April warms up. I'm excited to have some time off of work. Hubby's birthday is later this month, and so is two of my brothers. My best friend is having her baby very soon! And game of thrones is coming back on tv! Lots of things to look forward to!

How was your March? Anything you're looking forward to in April?

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