May is one of my favorite months. My husband and I started dating in May, and our 3rd wedding anniversary is on the 11th. Our original dating anniversary is on the 14th, so we will be celebrating 9 years together. It's so crazy how time flies.
Honestly, I kind have been dreading doing these monthly life posts for the past few months. I really just feel like my life is uneventful and haven't had much to share. April was no exception to that, and looking back through my photos to see what I had to share was very minimal. Like I really didn't take any photos, it's sad. I'm kind of wondering if I should quit doing them, because I guess if I have any good things to share you probably already see it on my Instagram or Facebook.
We had a surprise 60th birthday party for my mom and the only picture I took was a cute one of my nephew cuddling with my husband. I don't know why I didn't take my pictures, especially since it's rare that my family all gets together and I don't get to see my aunts, uncles, and cousins much. Anyways, someone ended up spoiling the surprise and told my mom about the party. It was still fun and she was a good sport and didn't tell anyone she knew about it until she got to the party. My aunt and I planned and put a lot of work into it and tried hard to keep it a surprise so it was kind of disappointing but oh well!
We've been super into collection action figures and cool trinkets from all the animes we've been watching. It's fun to find them places, and order them online and get them in the mail!
We spent some time out in the woods the other day hunting for some morel mushrooms. We didn't have any luck though, I think it's too early to find them
It was hubby and my brothers birthday last week on the 27th, and one of my other brothers birthday was yesterday on the 30th.
My best friend had her baby on Thursday (28th) so that was super exciting. I can't wait to meet her later this week!
So that pretty much sums up my April. Like I said it wasn't very eventful, so hopefully this month will be more fun and I'll take more photos!
I'm off now to finish the weekend by grilling out at my brothers house before we watch Game of Thrones! We kind of made that a tradition last year and are continuing it this year!