Hello! I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend! Did you have any fun plans? My husband and I went out of town for the weekend, which will be the main topic of this post.
May wasn't very eventful, other than my husband and I celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary at the beginning of the month. I didn't take a whole lot of photos, so I'm just going to share my Memorial Day weekend with you guys. Since this is the last day in May, and I just got back from out of town, I thought today would be a good day for this post. I'll be back to doing beauty posts tomorrow and Thursday, and Friday will be a Friday favorites! I feel pretty accomplished that I actually have things planned for this week (and next!) on the blog and YouTube channel! I'm trying to be better and planning and organizing!
Now that I'm done rambling, let's get into this post!
Usually when my husband and I go away for the weekend, we either choose a beach town on the west side right on Lake Michigan, or go up north (up to northern Michigan). We decided to change it up a bit and we stayed right down town in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
These photos are views from our Hotel, we were on the 24th floor! I was super annoyed because I kept getting reflections from the curtains in the pictures.
Grand Rapids is the second largest city in Michigan. Downtown was beautiful and we had really great weather. We didn't do anything too crazy while we were here, we went shopping and ate a lot of amazing food.
The first picture is from a restaurant called Stella's, and I had what was called 'the stoner grilled cheese with chronic fries' which was a jalapeƱo Mac and cheese sandwich, and the fries were cooked in Frank's red hot sauce. Oh my godddd was it good. I sware I could live off of bread and cheese, let alone Mac and cheese (my favorite food!). And the bottom picture is from a Mexican restaurant called Cinco de Mayo, where I had some of the bets enchiladas I ever ate. It was very authentic and delicious.
Some of my hubby's family lives over on the western side of MI too, so we got to visit them while we were there.
I did manage to find a Lush while we were out shopping, which was a nice surprise because I didn't think there were any in west MI. I bought a soild bath oil, which melted and reformed into a weird flat shape, this smelled amazing. I repurchased the Celestial moisturize, which I wasn't planning on because 1. It's so dang expensive, and 2. I hardly ever get out to Lush. But I figured why not because I had to opportunity to get it, and I've tried 3 different moisturizers since I ran out of this and none of them are working for me, not to mention all these angry red bumps I've had on my face for 2-3 weeks. I also got another of the Catastrophe cosmetic face masks, because it's one of my favorites.

Other than some more city photos, I didnt take many other pictures. We had a pretty laid back weekend so I wasn't reaching for my camera a lot. There were some wicked spiders outside of our hotel window that were huge, and we were taking photos of them but I'm sure you guys don't want to see!! I made my husband take them with his phone because my fear of spiders kept me at a distance lol!
Did you guys have a good Memorial Day weekend?
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