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Friday, September 23, 2016

Fall Reading List

Hello! I was so excited yesterday was the first day of Fall! I hope you all aren't sick of all the Fall related posts I've been doing! I have more coming next week still! ;). Today I'm sharing my Fall reading list of books I'm hoping to read this season.

I haven't done anything book related in a while, so I thought this would be good for my Lifestyle Friday posts. I made a huge summer reading list a few months ago. To be frank, I didn't even read any of those books. I thought when I quit my job, I'd have lots of time to read. Sadly, I just didn't read anything except for The Cursed Child over the summer, which was a definitely must read for me because JK Rowling. Anyways- I've made this Fall reading list a lot smaller and less intimidating. 

I picked out 5 books, most of them are ones I've wanted to read for a while, with the exception of one that I've already read. Some of these were in my summer reading list too. 

-At the top of the stack is The Outsiders. This is one my all time favorite books ever. I've seriously read this probably 5 or 6 times since I was 13. I just had the urge to read it again so I put it on my list.
-Next is Serena by Ron Rash. I randomly picked this up a few months ago not really knowing what it was about. It sounds like a good historical fiction book, and it's been made into a movie!
-The next one down is Room by Emma Donoghue, which has been on my to read list for forever. It's also a movie, has anyone read or seen this? 
-Next is Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Another one that's been on my to read list for a long time. I've been wanting to read a good fantasy lately. 
-And last is Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. This is the first book in her new Dark Artifices series. I'm a huge fan of her Mortal Instruments and Inferal Divices series so I have really high hopes for this. It's huge and a bit intimidating but I've had it since it came out a few months ago.

I'm also planning on picking up the new Nicholas Sparks book, Two by Two that comes out on October 4th. I'm a huge Nicholas Sparks fan so I can't wait for that one!

What's on your reading list right now? Have you read any of these books? 

I hope you all have a great weekend!  

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