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Thursday, September 29, 2016

Friday Favorites | End of September

Can you believe today is the last day in September?! My favorite month of the year is over, which kind of makes me sad because it flew by. I love October too, so I'm excited for this upcoming month!

For today's Friday Favorites, I'm linking up with  Amanda from Meet @ the Barre

It's been a while since I've done a Friday favorites post, so I thought I'd share some things I've been enjoying this past month. Most of them are Fall-ish things, like a lot of my posts have been lately. 

Favorite thing for Fall || My favorite thing during Fall is to have pumpkins on my porch! It makes me so happy for some reason. My mom brought us two of them, and last year I actually grew my own in my garden (on accident) so that made me happy. No pumpkins growing this year, but I'm happy to have two of them. 

Favorite Recipe || I made some pumpkin banana muffins with walnuts and they turned out so good! I used this recipe.  I know there's been a ton of articles recently that canned pumpkin isn't rally pumpkin, and that other squashes are aloud to be called pumpkins etc. But the canned pumpkin I have has only one ingredient in it- pumpkin. So regardless if it's pumpkin or squash, I'm just happy there's not a ton of extra ingredients added into it. 

Favorite Purchase || I bought some new Fall candles from at brand that I found at Walmart called 719 Walnut Avenue and these seriously are amazing. I bought some last year too and I was blown away that they were just as good as B&BW candles, they have the same packaging and they have three wicks in them as well. But they are under $5! The scents I picked out are Caramel Cinnamon Roll and Country Market. Both smell so so good.  

Favorite Moment || We were able to go to the Renissance Festival last weekend. We had lots of fun and the weather was perfect. I got to see my cute little niece there, who wore her Elsa costume. Me and Hubby dressed up like always too. I was a little hard to take photos everywhere because it was super crowded. We met our best friends there too, and it was their little one's first time there.  

 Favorite Quote || I'm going to finish this post up with my favorite quote. I really liked this one and thought it had a great perspective! 
What are your lifestyle favorites for he month of September? Let me know in the comments! 

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