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Monday, November 28, 2016

Lush Face Bars | Fresh Pharmacy + Coalface

Hello! Long time no see! I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and long weekend if you celebrated. I took last week off from blogging, because well, I don't exactly have an excuse or reason. I'm working on getting some motivation back to blog more and start making YouTube videos again. .

But for today I'm going to be reviewing two Face bars from Lush that I've been trying out for the past month. I had no idea what a face bar was until my last trip to Lush when I was looking for a new face scrub. I didn't leave with a scrub, but a chunk of something that resembled bar soap, and a sample of other one because I had a hard time choosing between the two that were recommended to me.

So what is a facebar? Like I said before, it has the same concept as a bar of soap, but for your face. You  lather it up by getting it wet and then rubbing it between your hands and use the suds from your hands as your face wash.

Let's start with the one that I purchased- Coalface

From Lush's website
"Coalface is ideal for those of you who loving washing your faces with a good, old-fashioned bar of soap. Except, there’s nothing antiquated about this preservative-free facial cleanser. Inspired by the complexion bar in ‘Annie Hall’, we created Coalface for combination to oily faces. Powdered charcoal absorbs excess sebum and acts as a mild exfoliator, while rosewood and sandalwood oils reduce redness and clear up blemishes. Use Coalface daily for clear, balanced skin."

This one was recommended to me because I wanted something with charcoal because my skin responds really well to it. I was using the Dark Angels face exfoliating cleanser, but it's super messy so I wanted something with a little less maintenance. This face bar was a perfect choice because it has the charcoal, it has a tiny bit of grit to it so it exfoliates gently, and it does a great job at cleansing my skin and it removes makeup well. It isn't harsh but I only like to use this 2-3 times a week, however it can be used  daily.  This is definitely something I'd recommend if you like using charcoal in your skin care, and if you had oily or combo oily skin. I purchased a good sized hunk of this and I see it lasting a long time. I haven't even made a dent in it in the past month.

Next up is the sample- Fresh Pharmacy
From Lush's Website
"Feel like you have the world’s most sensitive skin? Allow us to prescribe you a bar of our pale pink cleansing bar. Fresh Farmacy contains chamomile extract to calm, rose and lavender to soothe dry patches, and tea tree to keep skin clean and clear. With lots of calamine powder to calm troubled skin, this facial soap is great for gently easing skin back into balance."

This little sample I received has seriously lasted me more than a month, I still have some left. For the first two weeks, I was using this once or twice a day (except for the two days I used the coalface), and since then I've been using it a few times week, mainly because I'm trying to savor it. I do love the coalface but I definitely think this is the one I'd repurchase first. It's awesome and calming for sensitive skin. I love that it has camomile, calamine, Rose, lavender, and tea tree. My skin also responds very well to tea tree, so not only is this gentle enough for my sensitive skin, it helps to calm an breakouts. This one also cleanses my face really nicely and removes makeup really well.

My final verdict on these facebars is that they are both amazing and I definitely recommend both of them, depending on what your skin type and needs are. The concept of a face bar was kind of weird for me, but I haven't minded using it like you do a bar of soap, it's something new and fresh (literally), and a nice change up from my usual cleanser. My skin has felt amazing since I started using them.

Have you tried Lush face bars before? If so, leave your thoughts on them!

Extra Bits-
-I've been trying to catch up on my blog and youtube news feed! I've neglected them over the weekend, but I think I'm all caught up now.
-I could do a collective haul post on some random natural products and healthy things I've recently purchased. It probably won't be too exciting though, anyone interested??

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