Thursday, June 22, 2017

Travel Diaries- Ocean City MD + Over the Weekend

Hello! How's it going?

I wanted to start a series here on my blog called 'Travel Diaries' and share the trips that my husband and I take together.  If you follow me in Instagram or Facebook, then you've probably already seen these photos, so this might be boring. But in this blog post series I wanted to go into more detail about what we did, detail about the photos, etc. that I don't share on social media.

Last week we took a road trip down to Ocean City, MD. We wanted to go somewhere that was close enough to drive to and also by the ocean. We almost went to Virginia Beach, but Ocean City seemed to win from what I saw during my Google research.  We drove through Ohio, Pennsylvania, and a little bit of Delaware to get to our Destination in Maryland. After 12 hours in the car and a huge mishap with our hotel, we finally setteled in. I'd also like to day that Pennsylvania is one of the pretties states to that I've driven through!

We had an ocean front room which was really amazing. When we were in our room it was so nice to have our balcony door open and listen to the waves. I seriously love the Ocean and huge bodies of water like the Great Lakes of Michigan, so I really felt happy and peaceful.

Our hotel was on a boardwalk with a ton of cool shops and a nice beach. The water was super cold, and I found a huge seashell that's almost as big as my hand. There were seriously no seashells besides broken tiny pieces, so it was cool to find this one buried in the sand.

We also went to Assateague Seashore where they have wild horses. It was super cool to see the horses and the beach there was sooo prettty. It was way less crowded than the one at our hotel, and it  just looked way more pretty and natural. I found a ton of seashells here that were being washed up by the waves, it was so fun looking for them and trying to grab them before the waves took them back into the water.

I always remember if we had good food on our vacation. We honestly had the worst food in Ocean City and it was pretty disappointed. With he exception of one place! Across the street from our hotel was a little Juice and Smoothie shack, that also had a Sushi Bar and bubble tea inside. This was was sooo freaking good, we ate there twice. The first time we went I had a delicious veggie Báhn Mì sandwich (vietnamses sandwich) and some bubble tea. We went back in the morning so I could try one of their Acai Bowls, and it was seriously so good! It has granola, bananas, strawberries, and honey and I was in smoothie heaven. I even bought a shop sticker from there to put on my laptop LOL.
After three days in Maryland we drove home, we relaxed for a day, and then the next we took a drive over to Grand Rapids MI for an Anime Convention. It was super fun and they had a lot of cool stuff! It was a great way to end our vacation!

I hope you all enjoyed this Travel Diaries post, and I hope to do more of them in the future!!

 If you like the type of post, please let me know! And if you'd like to see some smaller posts like this, for some cool places here in Michigan then I will do some of those as well!