Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Beauty Blender Solid Cleanser Review

Hello everyone!! If you've been following my blog for a while then you know I'm in love with using a Beauty Blender to apply my foundation with!! Last time I was at Sephora I picked up the Solid Beauty Blender Cleanser. I wasn't sure at first if I wanted this because it's kind of expensive, but Beauty Blenders are really annoying to clean. I heard great things about this so I decided it give it a try. 

This is at sephora for $15. It's like a bar of soap inside the little container. I think there is a liquid form of this, but I couldn't find it (I could be wrong). 

First I'm going to say that before I used this cleanser, I used dawn dish soap to clean my beauty blender. While it worked good, it was still hard to clean. It got out all the foundation but it took a long time and I had to sit there and rinse and squeeze tons of soap out of my beauty blender over and over and over again.  Who the heck has time for that? Well apparently I did lol. 

Beauty Blender before I used the Solid Cleanser. 

Beauty Blenders after I used the Cleanser. 

My thoughts on this product, and it is worth the money?
Yes yes yes it is definetly worth the $15. This cleanser cleans the sponge beautifully and they look brand new.
It also takes hardly any time at all to clean, and I don't have to squeeze a bunch of soap out of it like I did with the dawn dish soap. 

How to use it:
You basically just unscrew the cap of the soap, get your beauty blender wet, and then rub the dirty end into the soap. When it's pretty lathered, just squish around your beauty blender and rise it out. 

If you have a beauty blender I really recommend this cleanser! It will make cleaning it so much easier!! 

I think you can also use this to clean your brushes, but I haven't tried that yet!

Have you tired this cleanser before? If so leave your thoughts in the comments!!