Monday, January 27, 2014

Empties Post #1

Hello!! Today I have my first empties post! I actually like reading or watching videos on YouTube like this because it's nice to see what products everyone actually finishes up and if they would repurchased it or not. I started collecting my empties for this post maybe about two months ago. I have finished quite a lot of products in the past two months so let's get started! 

I'll start with makeup first. From left to right we have-
-Rimmel Stay Matte Powder. I love this stuff. I have already repurchased and hit pan on another one. 
-A sample size of the Victoria Secrets Very Sexy Perfume. One of my favorites. I have already purchased a bigger size, but this little one lasted me forever! Also, I know this isn't makeup but whatever lol. 
-A deluxe size of the UD All Nighter Spray. I found this one sale at Nordsrtom Rack for like $5. I love this stuff so I bought a few because they were so cheap.
-UD De Slick setting spray. I actually prefer the all Nighter, but this one worked good too and it was nice to try out. 
-Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous Foundation. This is probably my favorite drugstore foundation and I've already repurched another. 
-Sephora face primer. I did like this and it was a pretty decent price. I am trying out other drugstore primers at the moment so I won't be repurchasing this anytime soon. 
-Sonya Kashuk concealer. I don't even know the exact name of this. Ive had this forever but I have found other concealers I like better. 
-L'Oreal Carbon Black Lineur Intense Liquid Eyeliner. My all time favorite liquid liner. Already repurchased. 
-Bombshell Liquid Eye Pen. I got this in an ipsy bag, and I have another one given to me by a friend. I liked this for a long time but it's not something that I would purchase. 
-Maybelline Falsies Big Eyes mascara. I love this stuff, but I think I'll just repurchase the original falsies. I don't really use both sides of the mascara so it's just a waste and would make more sense to get the original one. 

Hair products 
-Chi Iron Gaurd heat protectant. I have gone through a ton of these throughout the years but I won't repurchase this again. Fortunately I can get this at a cheap price because of my Cosmetology license but I just don't love it anymore. 
-It's a 10 leave In Conditioner. I have gone through a million of these as well. Already repurchased. This stuff does amazing things to my hair.
-John Frieda Frizz-Ease hairspray. Another one I've gone through a ton of. This is my favorite drugstore hairspray. 

Skin Care 
-Maybelline Clean Express eye makeup remover. I had a love hate relationship with this. It did a great job and took off my makeup really well but sometimes it would burn my eyes really bad. Sometimes it wouldn't burn them at all. What the heck. I won't repurchase this one.
-Lush Mask of Magnaminty. I have raved about this mask a lot. I haven't repurchased it yet because it's not online and the closest lush store to me is 45 minutes away. I will repurchase it ASAP though! 
-Lush Tea Tree Water Toner. Another that I haven't repurchased for the same reason as above. But I will ASAP! 
-Olay oil minimizing toner. Another prodcut that's been a favorite for years and has been repurchased countless times. 
A ton of freaking makeup remover wipes. I was going to do a huge blog post on all of these but I have since forgotten why I didn't like a lot of them. Basically I've just accepted the fact that I only like the Neutrogena ones. 

-Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. Another that I always repurchase over and over again. 
-Dead Sea essentials vanilla bath salts. These were a random purchase from target. I liked them and they smelled nice. I will probably purchase them again some day. 
-Aveeno positively nourishing calming body wash in the scent lavender and chamomile. This was the first time I purchased this and now I will probably only use Aveeno body washes. They are so nice on the skin and amazing. They have a few different scents and I've already repurchased a ton of them! 

This post was super long so props to you if you read the whole thing lol!!! 

Have you guys tried any of these products before?