Hello!! It's time for my second weekend post! If any one doesn't know what this is or didn't see my first weekend post, it's basically a post that bloggers share at the end of the week with little bits from their life and random things that were going on. I saw a few of these from blogs that I follow so I decided to join in!!
So the first exciting thing that happened this week was my sister in law had her baby! We got to welcome my nephew into the family. He was born on Wednesday and today (Sunday) I went with my mom to see him.
Boady Cade :)
Friday (valentines day) was my nieces 3rd birthday! I didn't go see her on Friday because my sister in law was still in the hospital, so when we went to see my nephew today I was able to give her the birthday gift I bought her.
My niece and nephew. So cute when she calls him little brother.
I bought markers to go with her coloring books. She made a mess. Opps ;)
I've been drinking a lot of hot tea and honey lately. I'm usually a big coffee drinker but I've cut down a lot and drink tea instead. These yogi teas are amazing! I'm obsessed.
This is a crappy picture, but on Valentines day my husband and I went to 5 guys burgers and fries for dinner. We didn't want to go to a resturant because we knew it would be packed. This was our first time eating there and it was yummy! I forgot to take a picture walking in so I took this one when we were driving away lol!
I've been kind of lazy to cook this week but tonight I made chicken, potatoes, green beans with zucchini and squash in the oven. Super good and easy to make!
This is all for my weekend post! Other than my nephew being born, not much exciting stuff happened!
Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! Expect a big haul and some reviews later this week!