Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Zoya Mystery Bag | Cyber Monday Purchase

Hello All!! So a few weeks ago on Cyber Monday I recieved an email from Zoya informing me of a 'Mystery Bag' deal that they were offering. They email stated that the bag contained a special grouping of mystery items from Zoya, they couldn't tell you what it was except that you'll say 'wow, that was once heck of a deal!'  

So basically, I was curious. The Mystery Bag was only $15 and free shipping so I thought, what the heck? (Actually I thought, hey this might make a good blog post! But pretend I didn't say that) I do love Zoya's nail polishes though so I was actually pretty excited about this deal. 

So what was in this Mystery bag, and was it worth the $15?? Let's find out. 

So inside wasa box of goodies and this little set of step by step polishes. 

First is the Zoya Polish remover. Next is a base coat, a top coat, and some quick dying drops. 

On the back of the bag there was an info card on how to use everything.

The top coat is suppose to be ultra strong, and chip free. Sounds great, but let's get real. I work in a nail salon and I can tell you right now that it is a lie LOL. There is no such thing as a chip free top coat. The base coat sounds pretty good, and I'm excited to try the fast dry drops. 

Inside the big box. 

This is a Matte Velvet lipstick that is a dark red color. I thought it was cool they sent me a lipstick (full size!) in the bag too! I'm not a huge fan of red lips on me, but I do not own a nice red lipstick so I was excited to try it out. 

This is a natural growth nail growth simulator. I've never tried anything like this before. My nails kind of suck so I'm curious to see if this actually works!

Last in the box was three mini sizes of nail polish. All of these colors are so pretty for this time of year! I don't own a nice true red color!

Left to right- Willa (matte black), Ania (deep dark matte color), Rekha (matte red). 

So I definitely think this was well worth the $15! I did in fact say 'wow' whe I saw all the products I recieved! Everything with the exception of the lipstick was a mini size but you still get a good amount of product in the mini sizes! And really, I do not remember the last time I finished a full sized bottle of polish before it dried out and got gross so these mini sizes are perfect. Plus the brush is still the same size so it makes it easy to paint. I hate it when mini sizes come with mini size brushes. 

So that is all for my quick first impression/review for this Zoya mystery bag. I did try the lipstick, which you will see in a FOTD post later this week, and I used the dark purple polish and I am in love! 

Thank you all for reading!!